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Very Confused!


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Hi this is my very first post so appologies if it's a bit full on but I am so confused. My hubby is about to send his stuff off to TRA (a nightmare to organise for starters)and we will then be applying for a 175 visa which the DIAC wizard suggested, we then hope to be granted our visa and make the move to Perth as soon as, however no matter how much I read and research I am still baffled on a few things.


1 Would it be better/quicker to apply for SS and a 176 visa or is this a longer more drawn out process?


2 Does everyone applying for the 175 need to do an IELTS test?


3 Am I right in thinking that we are able to search for an employer who will sponser him and apply for a 457 visa even if we have already lodged an application for a 175/176? we realise we are pushed for time with regard to the July 12 changes so 457 might be the better option for us.


4 If you gain entry on a 457 essentially a temporary visa, what happens when it expires? if you are still working would you get automatic access to a more permanent status?


5 How long generally does it take from job offer to move if you go the sponsership route?


Sorry if I seem a bit dim, I'm really not usually, but the whole thing is a minefield, you think you have things clear, then doubt yourself, any help/advice at all would be really appreciated, thankyooooo.

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Hi kk,


i know exactly how u feel and am in much the same situation myself, i will try as best i can answer your questions,

1. according to peoples timelines a 176 is quicker

2. you only need ielts if you fall short of points .....and in some cases the job requires it

3. this is what i asked this week ...yes you can do both

4 you should apply for perm on this. not sure if it expires in mean time never heard of this, think the employer sponsors u so it cant expire

5 timelines difffer think between 4 - 8 wks

hope ive helped a bit good luck

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Hi, thanks for that, yes it does help some, with the IELTS though, we said our english was excellent on the points calculator which gave us 10 points, without that we would just fall short, so do we have to prove that with the IELTS is that what it's for??? and 4 to 8 weeks, that's quick!! has anyone done it and it really been that quick? that's scary quick! Thanks again.

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Hi K&K


In regards to the ielts tests. If you do not take the ielts tests you do not get any points at all. So if you are short on points you will need to take the tests.You will need to get a score of 7.0 in all the 4 tests to get 10 points. This is what I need. Without the extra points I had 60 points, bummer. My tests are on the 31st March.


Good Luck



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Hi Daz

we are exactly the same, 60 points without it!! just downloaded the application form and the next test nearest to us is not untill May 12th we are running out of time eeeek! still don't imagine the TRA will get back to us before then though and £125.00...............not cheap this moving overseas lark, are you heading to Perth? good luck anyway, let us know how you get on.

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Some bits to consider if you're exploring those routes:

With a 457 my understanding is you're tied to that employer. If you don't like the job it can be difficult (but not impossible) to change employer and keep a valid visa. I've also heard the LAFHA, which a lot of 457-ers claim, can be a double-edged sword - you get a good allowance, but if you then decide to take up permanent residency it can be clawed back unless you can demonstrate it wasn't your original intention to go permanent after the 457 expires.

With a 175/176 you don't get the LAFHA, can work for who you want but it might take longer to process. The State Sponsorship counts for a good lot of points too.

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Hi Pompom, thankyou, everyone is very helpful on here, we have booked our test now for May, should be ok if TRA get a wriggle on, Phil I didn't even know LAFHA existed, just had to look up what it was so doubt we would have claimed that anyway lol, I learn something new about this process every single day! As it stands at the moment we are looking to go the permanent route, we aren't in any huge rush,we have loads to organise and a house to sell first so...... my only concern are the July changes, if our application's not sorted by then, an employer sponsership might be the only way, we'll see what happens, I'm a great believer in what will be, will be. Thanks again guys.

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Guest Ian Lindgren



I have had a good read of your posts and you are asking all the right questions, however with regard to LAFHA, you had best assume that you will not be eligible because there are significant changes that the government is planning to introduce on 1 July. These are not law as yet, but if you wanted to keep up to date on the changes, check out the LAFHA Blog for real time factual changes on LAFHA.





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