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what are you all looking forward to moving to australia for


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Id like to know why people are moving to Australia and what they are looking forward to the most.


As trivial and shallow as it may seem for me is to have a drive so I dont have to worry about neighbours pinching our private parking space constantly hehehe

Honestly there are far more reasons but to me this will me so much daft or what?

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Hi Elfie


I know what you mean. I have a drive but buy bloody gum if someone dares blocks it and more to the point blocks me in, im fuming. I not sure if its pie in the sky but for me its the whole doing something new adventure. If im honest though its the thought of better weather ( even though i have to say March in the uk has been mint, been out in t shirts all week) and being able to take my two gorgeous black labs to the beach or open countryside a lot more. Never happier then when im out wandering and playing with my boys xx

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What Paul said and also not having scumbags living next door (hopefully!!). Also, living a more relaxed lifestyle and being able to turn on the radio and not have to listen to ****e about corrupt politicians and bankers ruining our country and not being held accountable for it. There, rant over!

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  piccolo said:
What Paul said and also not having scumbags living next door (hopefully!!). Also, living a more relaxed lifestyle and being able to turn on the radio and not have to listen to ****e about corrupt politicians and bankers ruining our country and not being held accountable for it. There, rant over!


Oh you are so going to love the politicians over here!!! They dont mince their words, have feuds in their own party (worse than Tony vs Gordon). Oh yeah and over here the banks are still cast as the villans but thats for having high interest rates on HomeLoans and charging fees on accounts that are excessive.


However we're been here 2 months & it's BLOODY fantastic :-)

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Guest annie

looking forward to being in a more positive environment, less whinging!!! and also to hang clothes out to dry. read on some thread about someone bringing a dryer to Oz. That seems ridiculous. i will leave mine behind.

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  annie said:
looking forward to being in a more positive environment, less whinging!!! and also to hang clothes out to dry. read on some thread about someone bringing a dryer to Oz. That seems ridiculous. i will leave mine behind.


In summer it's great one load is dry when you go to hang out the next. We use our dryer in winter - we brought one with us and have since replaced it with a new one. Remember we don't have central heating here so less places to dry, even if you dry in an under cover area, on wet/cold winter days (and we do get them), they probably won't be dry when you get home from work. In winter when you have school uniforms to dry for Monday - it's a godsend

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Me and hubby are looking for a more of an outdooor life style, the sun and spending some time together. Hubby been in the forces for the last 22 years so we have spent alot of out married life living apart. Down side leaving our son at uni but that wont be forever.


The trill of a new adventure even though we are in out forties. lol.


Hope to meet up with some of you soon.

have a good weekend

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Agree with Arwen. Some are going to get a very big shock. Some seem to forget that Perth has a higher rainfall than London and for most the beach is out of reach as unless you have big $$$ your not going to be anywhere near one. And for Fiffi. Most beaches do not allow dogs and you have to be very careful with them in the country side because of snakes

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  verystormy said:
Agree with Arwen. Some are going to get a very big shock. Some seem to forget that Perth has a higher rainfall than London and for most the beach is out of reach as unless you have big $$$ your not going to be anywhere near one. And for Fiffi. Most beaches do not allow dogs and you have to be very careful with them in the country side because of snakes


A higher rainfall than London? I thought Perth had a Mediterranean climate,? I was also told one of the reasons 2nd hand cars are expensive

Is because they don't rust due to the lack of rain:embarressed:

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  Sammy1970 said:
A higher rainfall than London? I thought Perth had a Mediterranean climate,? I was also told one of the reasons 2nd hand cars are expensive

Is because they don't rust due to the lack of rain:embarressed:


yes it does but all the rain comes over a 4 month period so you can have days and days on end of horrid rain.

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The climate is better than the UK but winter can be a shock for those coming thinking it is the place of endless sunshine. Others come thinking they are going to have the beach lifestyle but 99% won't be able to live anywhere near a beach. For us it is a great place, but everybody needs to come with there eyes very open as to reality. For example, I bet a lot live closer to a beach now than they will in Oz

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