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what are you all looking forward to moving to australia for


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More outdoors, space, adventure and warm sunshine and dare I say, better politics


From my experience if your not very outdoor type in the UK you won't be here. As for space, Perth is fairly big and spawling and getting out from a suburb to big spaces is just as bad as going from a city in then UK. Politics are just as bad. The sunshine is a plus. There are pluses, but be careful you aren't seeing Perth through rose tinted glasses. It is a big city with big city problems. Drugs are at least as big here, teen pregnancies, teens causing havoc etc. Me and my wife would say that the countryside is far better and options for spending time in it better in the UK and there you can let the dog run everywhere - snake threat here stops that.

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Hi verystormy,

Rose tinted definitely not. I come from London, did the club scene saw drugs and what it does. At present I live on the isle of eight. Yeah it's agreat place to live compared to other parts of the uk but unemployment is extremely high, there a very little job prospects and drugs are rife (heroine and cocaine being the most common). We love the outdoors can't get enough of it but governed by the weather as you know and we don't have a dog. Are you saying my son has a better future more so in the uk than in oz? I am concerned by your comments, I am a very positive person and I agree with the rose tinted as I am also a realist but I do believe life is how you approach it and it's what you make of it.

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I can't that you and your family will have a better life in Oz or the UK. It is very much on the individual. Some, including myself are better in Oz. Others such as the thousands that return to the UK clearly are better off there. There are better job prospects here at the moment. And that is a very big draw if you haven't got work in the UK.


I think what I am trying to say is that Oz has some advantages and some disadvantages and it has all of the issues that go with being a modern city such as drugs - WA police found about 250 meth labs last year. God knows how many are operating if that was what they managed to find.

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