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Case Officer Allocated


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Just thought would share with you all our good news. We got allocated our case officer today which only took 13 days and are now waiting to do medicals and police checks. Hooray.The only thing that she has asked us to do is to fill in a Form 80. Has anybody else had to do this?Charlotte

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Just finished our Form 80's for both me and my husband - took me ages! Be prepared to be exasperated by the level of details - every country you've visted in the last 10 years (including dates!) and all employment since leaving school and every address in the last 10 years. Took some time to work all that out as we've moved more than 10 times in the last 10 years and visited over 30 different countries!


The other tricky bit for us was all the family detail - easy for me, parents still together and a brother & a sister. The OH's parents are divorsed & remarried and various step-siblings to contend with! He had no idea of maiden names and places of birth - lol!

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I know iti s a pain in the butt. Cant understand why they need it when they have all this iformation already in previous forms. What stage are you at.[



QUOTE=nicolac34;33126]Just finished our Form 80's for both me and my husband - took me ages! Be prepared to be exasperated by the level of details - every country you've visted in the last 10 years (including dates!) and all employment since leaving school and every address in the last 10 years. Took some time to work all that out as we've moved more than 10 times in the last 10 years and visited over 30 different countries!


The other tricky bit for us was all the family detail - easy for me, parents still together and a brother & a sister. The OH's parents are divorsed & remarried and various step-siblings to contend with! He had no idea of maiden names and places of birth - lol!

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Form 80 isn't that bad, we weren't asked but did it and Form 1221 just in case. Don't worry if you can't be 100% accurate, they're just looking for any national security risks.

The worst bit is not being able to save it after filling it in, then you have to print it then scan it back in - mad !:rolleyes:

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