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Shipping Est Prices


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We've been trailing through threads and have only seen a few prices..... Would any1 be able to shine a more accurate price on their shipping costs (3 bed house) as we can only see different companies that people have used not what prices they have paid and if they packed themselves or not. We are currently getting quotes this week and we're just wanting to see what others have paid. Also, we can't decide whether to pack ourselves or leave it up to the company - concerned with customs! Can any1 share their experiences/give advice?


We'd be very grateful :)

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Hi, We have used http://www.doreebonner.co.uk recently (2 weeks ago) and they are the cheapest of them all. Good service. The packing was done by their staff as they have to do the paperworks, Although we haven't proven the reliability yet as our things still to reach it's destination. Cost varies, get quotes to at least 3-4 shipping company. Our has been in a groupage shipping 100 cu/ft for £714.90

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Hiya, we have also recently got in a few quotes, ours is for a 4 bed house plus a few extra outdoor bits and work tools, we fill a 20ft container and average quote was between £4000 and £4500 plus insurance. We have decided to go with pss out of the ones that have quoted but can't say what they are like yet. Hope that is helpful.

Edited by Coomber Family
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Hi, We have used www.doreebonner.co.uk recently (2 weeks ago) and they are the cheapest of them all. Good service. The packing was done by their staff as they have to do the paperworks, Although we haven't proven the reliability yet as our things still to reach it's destination. Cost varies, get quotes to at least 3-4 shipping company. Our has been in a groupage shipping 100 cu/ft for £714.90

The guys they used for us at the Perth end were great. I'm sure there are mis-haps every now and then, but all our stuff arrived OK.

Definitely get more than one quote and do beat them down.

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Guest Doozclump
Thanks for the replies guys :) should hopefully have our quotes by the end of this week so shall see how big a diff there is from 1 company to another and from what we have seen on this site.


again, cheers :D


We were £6000 for our own 40 foot container from Fife, which included getting our two cars loaded up and all items from our house packed and loaded, we used moving partnership who are a broker and when i recieved our shipping confirmation it was John Mason this side and wridgeway the Perth side. Just tracked the ship and its just past India just now.

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