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School.... what year and when?


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Wonder if anyone can help me (I'm sure there's someone out there that can).


Can someone tell me when the school year starts and ends (I believe it's February to November, but not 100% certain).


Also, if I were to tell you my son is currently 9 years old and was born on 6th November 2002 - what year would that put him in right now - in the UK, he is currently in Year 4.


Many thanks in advance.



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School year in australia normally runs from about 1st Feb to about the week before christmas, this year its the 19th December. Catholic primaries close on the 12th December. Depending, when you move to Australia, until the end of 2012, your son will be in year 4. We are moving in September and my daughter, who is also year 4, will do a term 4 of year 4.

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Hi AussiMel,

That's great thank you. I thought their years were different, obviously not. I am like you hoping to move out (but next year) and get my son into the last part of a primary school before he goes to senior in the hope that he'll have settled and made some friends before he moves up.

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Hi SusieQ,


Thank you for that, really helpful. Saves me asking my next question.


It's comforting to know they move to senior at the same time as over here - I can get my head around that!


Am I also correct in saying that most senior schools are split into 2 (lower and upper senior) as I've looked at a couple of schools and this seems to be the case? Personally I think it's a good idea as the change in children of these age groups is quite drastic.

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Hi SusieQ,


Thank you for that, really helpful. Saves me asking my next question.


It's comforting to know they move to senior at the same time as over here - I can get my head around that!


Am I also correct in saying that most senior schools are split into 2 (lower and upper senior) as I've looked at a couple of schools and this seems to be the case? Personally I think it's a good idea as the change in children of these age groups is quite drastic.


North of the River the only school I know that isn't 8-12 is Kinross College. As the other poster says from 2015 State high schools will start in year 7. Private schools have been starting at year 7 for a few years now.

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Is that the start of a new year / term ?

Over here they finish say, year 1 in July and start year 2 in September.


Would like to start the kids off on the start of a new Term.




LO :biggrin:


The school year in Australia runs from early Feb to mid December.

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Hey PomPom,


Does it remind you of anywhere, all this changing the schools, and the age when children start at high school??! My middle child was caught up in it on the Island, being in the first year to have to stay on at Primary, (she was not happy about it!), and now my 9 yr old will be in the first cohort of Y7s to go to High School! I'm experiencing a bit of deja vu!


Just to add, the school year does run Feb-Dec, but the age cut-off date is June 30th! (So any July/August birthday children end up getting moved down a year) Still means your 9 yr old will be in Y4 though. My son's birthdate is Jan '03, which makes him Y4 too.



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Hi PomPom


Do you know if you would need to go private?


Thanks :biggrin:


No need to go private if you move into a decent area with a decent high school. Carine, Duncraig and Ocean Reef north of the river and Rossmoyne, Willeton and Leeming south of the river. Can't comment on areas between Rockingham and Mandurah as I don't know the areas.

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Hi Elsie3,


Yeah, my son's gutted he won't be going to middle school at the end of this term - as you know middle schools no longer exist! I just hope our application and form filling all goes smoothly and does actually happen in the right timeframes. I really don't want my son leaving primary here and going straight in to High (even though 2 years may seem a long way away, time goes so quickly).

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