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Does any one know if there are many plastering jobs in Perth


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Staffordshiregirl, I have all my apprenticeship papers as well as proof I sat a trade test and passed! I'm also registered with sbatc with a card stating I've completed a registered apprenticeship and all my college certificates. Sent it all away to the TRA and two months later got rejected.


My advice would be to forget any nvq level 2 and go straight for a AQF 111. I done it through Australian skills assessment, took me two months from start to finish and ended up with a AQF 111 then went back to TRA and passed. Pretty expensive but the guys at ASA were great and guided me through the process. Interview on a computer with a member of the master builders.


Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your reply. So you did AQF 3 with ASA Darren Leake? This is who we are in contact now with he's had lots of good reports on here. Did u do the solid plastering? Do you mind me picking your brains about it? I can PM you if that's ok? Just about evidence types that are needed and how much of it and what is the verbal assessment like? My husband is stressing about it all. Problem area we think is that he doesn't do rendering as he doesn't do any external however we now know this is all they do on solid plastering in oz..... so we're at a loss.



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Yup that's him. Yeah sure pm away lol.

It's not hard they'll guide you through and keep you on the right track. It's nothing to worry about.

Sorry, no I'm not a plasterer.

Evidence- photos, lots of photos doing different things. Mixing, pouring, opening bags, using a mixer, roughcasting, skimming, topcoat, rendering, putting beads on, cleaning up basically the more photos the better and videos if he can, especially using hawk and trowel. References off customers or site agents, friends, bosses (previous bosses and current) also anything that's closely related to plastering-Ames taping for example as well as coving and cornice work.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi, i know its a bit late but im plasterer from the uk. Plastered in the uk for twenty years.Believe me plastering here is not for the faint hearted. Every uk plasterer i know has quit the trade and gone into something else. fortunately there are lots of different careers opportunities here. Its quite common here to be not paid, this usually after working a whole week, be verbally abused and even threatened by other contractors. Fortunately most uk tradesmen can multi trade or do several construction tasks to a good standard.The Australian builders are single task trained.Telling them that you can do another trade makes them go all bleary eyed and they simply do not get it. I am currently working in maintenance with a team of about 30 other guys, all from the UK, this is because as the aussi supervisor said, "they are able to adapt to various tasks given". So you can come here as a plasterer like i did, but you can change direction like most others that have done so, best of luck.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Andy... As it's been quite a while since your post, I thought you'd be the perfect fella to pick on for an update! My partner and I are dreaming of downing tools in uk and hot footing it to Aus using his trade as a solid plasterer for a visa. We've found varying reports of work demand and wide-waging money to be earned (we recently found an agency ad offering around $130k per annum for 6 months to 2 years work!). Could I ask of you for an on-the-ground assessment of work at the moment?


A brief description of his experience; building college qualified plasterer, apprentice-trained on the job, worked as self-employed on his own jobs as well as site jobs in a gang, most recently has branched out as a plastering contractor. Work is slowly coming in, but it's the new life we're craving rather than making our fortunes :)


... if any other kind soul has advice to share we'd be very grateful



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