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Buy to Let or Interest Only Mortgage to rent UK Property


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Thought this would be straightforward but no. OH has made a few phone calls today to apply for a buy to let or interest only mortgage on our UK property and no-one is interested. The mortgage is only a quarter of the houses value so not a huge amount. They don't want to lend to someone who is emigrating. How did others manage to get mortgages to allow them to rent properties, did they not tell the truth when applying? Is anyone else having similar problems or if not who are you getting your mortgages with? Any help or advice would be very greatfully received we are hoping to move June/July this year!

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We just told our lender we were emigrating. Had to pay some kind of ridiculous admin fee to get their permission.

If you are "hoping" to move could you not apply for a mortgage and once it's in place you may then "decide" to move to Australia. If you get my drift.

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Thanks for your reply. Yes get your 'drift' Phil we are beginning to think we may have to something like that :wink: We have been searching on the internet and found some companies that arrange mortgages for expats so going to get in touch with them and see what they have to say.

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