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176 Visa - what is the process


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Hi All,


I am very confused right now with the whole visa application process. My understanding was..... you get the relevant IELTs score, you then get your skills assessment done. Following on from this, you then submit your 176 sponsorship application.


I have now discovered the visa application is not the state sponsorship application, it is in fact another process that follows on from this. Can anyone please tell enlighten me;


* How long is it taking roughly to obtain state sponsorship (from submission)

* Once state sponsorship has been approved, what happens next - is it a case of then submitting the visa appliation?


I am trying to understand roughly how long this is all going to take. I am concerned I may be running out of time for the 1st July deadline.


HELP............... please.:confused:

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We applied for Western Australian Sponsorship after receiving all of the required IELTS and skills documents and it took three days to obtain. Once we had that we were then in the position to apply for the Visa which we did online. We completed the form and uploaded all of the documents and then we booked our medical and requested police checks. I think a lot of people do these two things before being requested to do so by your case officer as it saves time. You just have to be mind full that they are valid for 12 months. The whole case officer piece varies as some people obtain a visa in days compared to months for others.


Is there anything else you would like to know?


Hope this helps:ssign15:

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Guest Perthlife

Hi we applied intially for a 175 visa which is an independant visa allowing us to go anywhere in oz, having waited 18 months, our agent told us why dont you go to perth on a state sponsor 176 as my skills as an engineering fitter were in demand, we decided on this route and 6 wks later BANG theres yeh visa, once a case officer in Mebourne gets yeh file its immediate, just a case of medicals, police clearances. Remember though you have 12 months to activate it or you will have to go through the whole process again, you can activate it with a holiday out here first and then go back home and sort things out (if you have the money to) the visa lasts for 4 years once activated before you apply for citerznship. Good Luck!!!

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Hi there,


We are also in the process of 176v application although using an agent due to deadlines etc.... speed up the process.

Skills assesment submitted 3 weeks ago they have aknowledged application although nothing since.

Ielts test taken last weekend so results pending grrrrrrrr

Then its state sponsership application and then hope to lodge before july and police checks and medicals and bobs ya uncle


Any one had recent skill assessed??? any advice on time scales???


Cheers Kayli

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Hi Chandi,


Thank you so much for that, really helpful. Yes I do have a couple more questions if you don't mind?


What information do I need to dig out my end for the state sponsorship? As I would like to start putting this together whilst I am waiting for the skills assessment (which was sent off last Friday). My agent is reluctant to tell me until we get the skills assessment back - personally I am concerned all this waiting will miss the 1st July deadline.


I might be jumping the gun here, but I was to be prepared.

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