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New to PerthPoms! Nursing Job offer today! Hurray!

Guest guest1228

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Guest guest1228

Hello there everyone,

I am new to Perth Poms though we have been on Poms in Oz for a while now.

Today I was interviewed for a post at the Royal Perth Hospital :D and would love to hear from anyone with any tips and advice. Would especially love to talk to other nurses.

Looking to go out to Perth Jan 09 with my husband (33) Daughter (11) and son (2) on a 457 visa. Just looking at suitable locations not too far (30 mins drive) from the city, looked at Rockingham and seems to be lots of cheap rentals there, Anyone have any views advice etc

Thanks and look forward to speaking to some of you soon,

Fiona and Peter x:)

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Hi Fiona & family

Just wanted to welcome you to perthpoms:D. Can't help with your question soz but Rockingham looks lovely has been recommended to us by friends of the family. We are hoping to be there by new year also.

Keep in touch an you never know might see you in Rockingham:cool:.

Tc Lv Debs xxxx

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Guest guest1228

Thanks Debbie, what do you do for a living? Hows your application going? So much to think about. It's so exciting! Have you got family?


Fiona and co x

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Hi Fiona

I'm a cleaner at the moment. Gave up a job in the Post Office about 8 months ago to work for my sister ( she pays better and less hours ) wish I could transfer her and the job to perth too. :D. OH is a CNC operator so it's his application that we are going on. There is me ( 40 ) OH ( 43 ) and our son who is 24 but he is going out on a working holiday visa. Also his girlfriend who will be 21 ( although I think she may miss her mum too much :(). Getting way too excited now just want it to be today if you know what I mean.

Keep in touch and any questions I may be able to help you with, just ask.

TTFN & Tc Lv Debs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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  • 1 month later...
Guest suzy+1


Agree Rockingham to RPH will be a long commute.

With RPH they will support your application for PR after 3 months via the ENS scheme.

I am also a nurse and looked into going to RPH, but am working at hollywood hospital for now.

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Guest guest1228

Hi Everyone, just a quick update. Had my official offer of employment a few days ago just need to sign and return and then can apply for visa. Didn't go for PR straight away because of time and cost issues basically. The 457 seems a quick easy way to get to Oz and the Royal Perth will sponsor me for PR after 3 months. Were looking into working for Ramsey as they offer PR sponsorship from the outset but they are very slow in communications. Official start date is Nov 08 but not really wanting to go till Jan 09 for various reasons. Just looking into areas in a bit more detail now, want somewhere where rentals are cheap but area is nice with local facilites, max 30 min commute from CBD. Don't want much do we?! Any advice very welcome. Thanks guys, Fiona x

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Guest guest1337
  fiona1975 said:
Hello there everyone,


I am new to Perth Poms though we have been on Poms in Oz for a while now.


Today I was interviewed for a post at the Royal Perth Hospital :D and would love to hear from anyone with any tips and advice. Would especially love to talk to other nurses.


Looking to go out to Perth Jan 09 with my husband (33) Daughter (11) and son (2) on a 457 visa. Just looking at suitable locations not too far (30 mins drive) from the city, looked at Rockingham and seems to be lots of cheap rentals there, Anyone have any views advice etc


Thanks and look forward to speaking to some of you soon,


Fiona and Peter x:)

Hi Fiona!!

We are new to PP but have been here since June07, have you considered living north of the city? We live in Clarkson which is 30 mins from city, it has pretty much all you need shops, train station, schoools, parks, beaches etc but not as established as the southern suburbs but we are getting there and that isn't neccessarily a bad thing!! I work at Joondalup Health Campus in the catering department, which is only 15 mins away and run by Ramsey, it is going through major re-developement at the mo to make it a 700 bed hospital, it's only 350 at the mo, but that is a long way off just starting now! Wether you live north or south all depends on what you want really,we like it up north had no problems and the beaches are awesome!!

If you want more info let me know

Good Luck

Bye for now

Stacey xx

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Guest guest1228

Hi Stacey, thanks very much for your reply. In actual fact I had been looking at Clarkson, merriwa and joondalup areas! Would appreciate any info you could give me. If I was to be employed by Ramsey I would like to work at the Joondalup health campus too. What are the schools like any idea? Do you own your own home? We are looking to rent at first for about $350 do you think this will get us something decent? Looking for nice quiet area with playground for kids and other families nearby. Would be good to have a shop and possibly a pub within walking distance too. Where did you live in thye UK? Fiona x

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Guest guest1337

Hi Ya!! Well funny you should ask but we have just bought our own place in Clarkson!! Hopefully we will be moving in at the end of August!! Soooo exciting we are really putting down roots now, no going back, not that we want to anyway!!!

Can't give you much info on schools as we don't have any kids, but the ones around here seem fine, will try and find out more info for you next time. I've been looking on REIWA's(Real Estate Institution of West Australia) website at rentals in Clarkson and the prices range from $280 per week up to $420 pw, 3 x 1 and 4 x 2's, we paid $270 pw for our rental 4 x 2 so i'm sure you'll be able to find something pretty decent for what you want to pay,hopefully rentals won't go up to much before you get here!!!

We live just around the corner from 2 massive parks, literally 30 secs walk down the road and the nearest beach is 5 mins away, Quinns Rock, actually we have been for walk down there today in winter!!!

I come from Shrewsbury in Shropshire and my hubby Andy is from Northwich in Cheshire, we met when his mum ran my local pub and we have been together ever since, 12 years. Talking of pubs The Whale and Ale is 2 mins from our new house and probably 10 mins from where we are now, the pub culture is nothing like the U.K people tend to entertain more at home here or down the beach, they have BBQ's for use at most beaches, weird eh?!!

Hope this is of some sort of help!!

Keep in touch

Stace xx

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Guest guest1228
  Andystaceymann08 said:
Hi Ya!! Well funny you should ask but we have just bought our own place in Clarkson!! Hopefully we will be moving in at the end of August!! Soooo exciting we are really putting down roots now, no going back, not that we want to anyway!!!

Can't give you much info on schools as we don't have any kids, but the ones around here seem fine, will try and find out more info for you next time. I've been looking on REIWA's(Real Estate Institution of West Australia) website at rentals in Clarkson and the prices range from $280 per week up to $420 pw, 3 x 1 and 4 x 2's, we paid $270 pw for our rental 4 x 2 so i'm sure you'll be able to find something pretty decent for what you want to pay,hopefully rentals won't go up to much before you get here!!!

We live just around the corner from 2 massive parks, literally 30 secs walk down the road and the nearest beach is 5 mins away, Quinns Rock, actually we have been for walk down there today in winter!!!

I come from Shrewsbury in Shropshire and my hubby Andy is from Northwich in Cheshire, we met when his mum ran my local pub and we have been together ever since, 12 years. Talking of pubs The Whale and Ale is 2 mins from our new house and probably 10 mins from where we are now, the pub culture is nothing like the U.K people tend to entertain more at home here or down the beach, they have BBQ's for use at most beaches, weird eh?!!

Hope this is of some sort of help!!

Keep in touch

Stace xx


Hi Stacey,:)


Good luck for your move. We are not too far from your home towns, My hubby is from Stafford and I'm from Stoke, we live in Stoke at the mo, (so Oz looks very inviting!)

Whats the weather like in Winter? People seem to think its freezing, but if its about 15-17 c that doesn,t sound too bad?? Can you tell me what the heat is like in Summer, is it unbearable or does it feel different to the sticky heat you get in UK?

How have you found Oz compares to Uk? Pros and cons? I'm expecting we will love it (never been!) But obviously dont want to have rose tinted specs on. We are fairly easy to please, sun, barbie and a nice bottle of wine does it for me! As I type its chuckin it down here and about 15 degrees (middle of August) Limits what you can do in school hols. Looking forward to next summer! :D

Starting to stress about the decluttering and selling of stuff I need to do now and practicalities of the move! :confused:Any advice gratefully received.


Fiona x

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Guest rach2323
  fiona1975 said:
Hi Everyone, just a quick update. Had my official offer of employment a few days ago just need to sign and return and then can apply for visa. Didn't go for PR straight away because of time and cost issues basically. The 457 seems a quick easy way to get to Oz and the Royal Perth will sponsor me for PR after 3 months. Were looking into working for Ramsey as they offer PR sponsorship from the outset but they are very slow in communications. Official start date is Nov 08 but not really wanting to go till Jan 09 for various reasons. Just looking into areas in a bit more detail now, want somewhere where rentals are cheap but area is nice with local facilites, max 30 min commute from CBD. Don't want much do we?! Any advice very welcome. Thanks guys, Fiona x

Hi Fiona

Telephone interviews is not something I am use toWhat did they askyou?How long did they take to arrange your visa?We were going for pr but like you think 457 visa will be a better option,although still need to sell house.I see you have children are your working hours child friendly?speak soon


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Guest guest1228
  rach2323 said:
Hi Fiona

Telephone interviews is not something I am use toWhat did they askyou?How long did they take to arrange your visa?We were going for pr but like you think 457 visa will be a better option,although still need to sell house.I see you have children are your working hours child friendly?speak soon


Hi Rachel,


The interview was fine, I actually had 2, 1 with Royal Perth and another with Ramsey. Royal Perth asked about my current position, skills etc, gave me a few scenarios (5 or 6 questions)relevant to my field ie admin of chemo drugs etc, really friendly, just wanted to find out where my skills were and identify areas I needed training on (went for job in unfamiliar area) Gave me info on ward etc opportunity to ask questions. Nothing to worry about its all very informal and friendly. I had my interview early July I think and just received my official offer last weeek (would have been sooner but one of my refs was slow to reply.) I can apply for visa in next few weeks as soon as I get my registration through. (with NMBWA).


I think if you have the funds and are prepared to wait an extra few months the skilled independent visa is possibly the best option, but for us we want to go asap and the temp 457 costs about £125 as opposed to £1000 for permanent visa. With all the other costs inviolved we decided to just go for the 457 and get PR when in Australia.


As far as I know most hospitals only offer 8 hr shifts unless you work in icu or a and e. I currently work 3 x 10 hr shifts so working 5 x 8 hrs will be a shock! However my new manager at the Royal Perth has told me most people have children and I'll be in good company as everyone juggles work and home! She says they try to accomodate most requests. Hope this helps, Fiona x

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telephone interviews are a little strange, I was still in my pj's as it was 8am in the morning!! I work in mental health and they asked me scenario's, questions to elicit time management and organisational skills, and clinical governance.



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Guest guest1337
  fiona1975 said:
Hi Stacey,:)


Good luck for your move. We are not too far from your home towns, My hubby is from Stafford and I'm from Stoke, we live in Stoke at the mo, (so Oz looks very inviting!)

Whats the weather like in Winter? People seem to think its freezing, but if its about 15-17 c that doesn,t sound too bad?? Can you tell me what the heat is like in Summer, is it unbearable or does it feel different to the sticky heat you get in UK?

How have you found Oz compares to Uk? Pros and cons? I'm expecting we will love it (never been!) But obviously dont want to have rose tinted specs on. We are fairly easy to please, sun, barbie and a nice bottle of wine does it for me! As I type its chuckin it down here and about 15 degrees (middle of August) Limits what you can do in school hols. Looking forward to next summer! :D

Starting to stress about the decluttering and selling of stuff I need to do now and practicalities of the move! :confused:Any advice gratefully received.


Fiona x

Hi Fiona,

Well what is winter like, it's got up to 22 degrees these last few days so not too bad, it is still chilly in the mornings and at night, had some days where it went down to 2 degrees and some very bad storms have been through too, i know it doesn't sound that cold but believe me once you've been through a summer it's freezing!!! Now for summer, it's HOT!!! The hottest day we have had was Boxing Day 2007 it got up to 46 degrees so needless to say we were in the sea nearly all day!!! It does get hot but it isn't a sticky heat like the U.K, air con is highly recommended especially if you want to sleep at night!!

It's such a different lifestyle out here it's hard to compare it with the U.K, i miss the shops like New Look, Next, M & S etc but saying that there are some great shops out here, people reckon the food isn't the same, my hubby Andy is a chef so he should know, and he has got used to it all now, we found it better not to keep comparing everything to the U.K and just took everything on it's own merit.

You're in the same boat as us 'cos we had never been here before we emigrated, we honestly didn't know what to expect so didn't really think about it too much and didn't really have any expectations of what it would be like, hopes weren't dashed and what little expectations we did have were met in every way!!! So come with an open mind take every day as it comes, i am sure you won't be dissappointed!!

We sold everything before we came out here and brought over only what we could we carry!! It was a huge move but we don't regret doing it that way and we basically got all new stuff once we arrived. What are your plans????

I love the odd tipple of wine too, in fact i think i had a slight drop too much at a party last night so feeling a bit worse for wear today!!!!

Hope to hear from you again soon

Bye for now

Stace xxx

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Guest guest1228

Hi Stace, Sounds like you're having a great time! Our plans sound pretty similar to yours, don't want the hassle or expense of shipping stuff out. Some people reckon they couldn't refurb their new houses for the cost of shipping old furniture out (about £3000) last time I checked. I don't know what these people have in their houses but we could easily replace our stuff for that figure! Got a lot of 2nd hand or old stuff, only things I'd like to bring are my lovely king size luxury bed and my newish washer/fridge freezer. Can't justify the cost of shipping though, will have to sell and but new. I've done a few costings on the net for furniture and electricals, looked at Good Guys and Ikea and reckon if we get cheapo stuff to begin with we can shouldn't have to spend a fortune (Just as well really cos we haven't got much!)

I work as a nurse and hubby is in warehousing at the min but will be house husband at least for first few months while we check out childcare etc. Think it will be a bit tight but we should manage in the short term on my wage (approx $63,000 with shift penalties) Do you think cost of living is roughly equal to UK? My wage sems like a lot compared to my UK wage bit people say you cant really compare £ to $ and it all evens out in the end?

We are looking out for a short term rental for probably the first few weeks but ideally we'll find somewhere quickly as I need to start work as soon as possible. Will hire a big car too for a week or two while we look for replacements. We have 2 old bangers here in UK and wondering if I could get away with getting train to work and just havng one car. Price of old cars is a bit of a shocker! We may try to get finance for a new one. Not sure bout credit on a 457 though. What visa you on? Anyway, great to talk to you and keep in touch, how old are you both by the way? We both 33 and kids are 11 and 2.

Take care Fiona x

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Guest guest1337

We are Andy(31) and Stacey(32) No kids yet! maybe getting a dog soon!

If you work at Joondalup Hospital, the train station is about 5-10 minute walk, or there is a bus that is free and will take you from the station to the hospital in 2 minutes!

Cars, well its a minefield as everywhere else in the world although, the dealers are slight more trustworthy here as trading stardards are very good here, on average you can buy car cheaper here, especially Korean cars are cheap as there are so many of them! I.E Kia, Hyundai, and nissans are good vaue too, just remember we are in kilometers here not miles! We bought a Proton off ebay for $3000 and so far its been brilliant no problems with it what so ever! Andy got a commodore(Bit like a Vauxhall Omega) from a dealer for $8250 (£3750 approx) and it was like new!

We came on a 136 skilled migrant visa as Andy is a chef. Which also gives us permanant residency and we can apply for citizenship after 2 years!

As for furniture and stuff for your house, you can easily buy all you need for $3000 or less, cash converters is quite good for second hand stuff, we got a t.v. from there and regularly go for a bargin! it's amazing what you can pick up and always haggle on the prices too! Having said that new stuff isn't that expensive either, just shop around we like furniture spot they are cheap, also Kmart and Target sell bits and pieces and electrical goods!

Garage sales are a good place to look as well, people always moving in and out here and need to get rid of stuff quick, they just pile it all in the garage and sell it! bit like a car boot sale without the car! LOL

There is also the Quokka, which is like a buy and sell type news paper, full of everything you could ever want new and secondhand, also there are local free newspapers with adverts in and the West Australian news paper has a readers mart section on a Sunday again with alsort of stuff for sale!


Some English friends of our brought all there stuff fro U.K. and their washing machine blew up within 6 months of being here, and you either need a massive fridge or 3 small one's here for summer, one for food and 2 for beer and other drinks, no joke we had 2 already and when we move in to our new place will be getting another!


Well it's a lovely day here today 22 degrees and sunny, and its winter!!!! sure to be down the beach later for a paddle!!!


Hope this is helpful and if you want to know anything else just ask, we are happy to help fellow Brits, especially fellow Northerners!!! LOL How is phil the power Taylor doing? LOL

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Guest colin ambler
  Andystaceymann08 said:
We are Andy(31) and Stacey(32) No kids yet! maybe getting a dog soon!

If you work at Joondalup Hospital, the train station is about 5-10 minute walk, or there is a bus that is free and will take you from the station to the hospital in 2 minutes!

Cars, well its a minefield as everywhere else in the world although, the dealers are slight more trustworthy here as trading stardards are very good here, on average you can buy car cheaper here, especially Korean cars are cheap as there are so many of them! I.E Kia, Hyundai, and nissans are good vaue too, just remember we are in kilometers here not miles! We bought a Proton off ebay for $3000 and so far its been brilliant no problems with it what so ever! Andy got a commodore(Bit like a Vauxhall Omega) from a dealer for $8250 (£3750 approx) and it was like new!

We came on a 136 skilled migrant visa as Andy is a chef. Which also gives us permanant residency and we can apply for citizenship after 2 years!

As for furniture and stuff for your house, you can easily buy all you need for $3000 or less, cash converters is quite good for second hand stuff, we got a t.v. from there and regularly go for a bargin! it's amazing what you can pick up and always haggle on the prices too! Having said that new stuff isn't that expensive either, just shop around we like furniture spot they are cheap, also Kmart and Target sell bits and pieces and electrical goods!

Garage sales are a good place to look as well, people always moving in and out here and need to get rid of stuff quick, they just pile it all in the garage and sell it! bit like a car boot sale without the car! LOL

There is also the Quokka, which is like a buy and sell type news paper, full of everything you could ever want new and secondhand, also there are local free newspapers with adverts in and the West Australian news paper has a readers mart section on a Sunday again with alsort of stuff for sale!


Some English friends of our brought all there stuff fro U.K. and their washing machine blew up within 6 months of being here, and you either need a massive fridge or 3 small one's here for summer, one for food and 2 for beer and other drinks, no joke we had 2 already and when we move in to our new place will be getting another!


Well it's a lovely day here today 22 degrees and sunny, and its winter!!!! sure to be down the beach later for a paddle!!!


Hope this is helpful and if you want to know anything else just ask, we are happy to help fellow Brits, especially fellow Northerners!!! LOL How is phil the power Taylor doing? LOL

Hi Andy & Stacey.


Just ready your message .

On Andys Visa i have the same subclass B 137 skilled

I arrive in Perth this Sept and have a job as a electrician but have been told that it will take 3-4 years before i can get my Australia Passport? At first i thought i could apply after 2 years of working and setterling in Perth but i think it might of changed?

I do still hope it is 2 years and then apply.

I,ve hired a car for two weeks for $24 a day but thinking of buying a car my self any any advice on things i should be carefull on when buying a car ?

As for my Uk driving licence i just need to apply for a Au one ? i take it you dont need to take a test anymore.

Look forward to hereing from you both.

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Guest guest1337

Hi, no you don't need to take a driving test again, but you have to pay for an Oz one and the maximum is a 5 year licence, think it cost just over $100 for the 5 years. Your English one is good for 3 months over here I think.

You will have to wait for years for your citizenship as the rules changed from July 1st 2007 from 2 to 4 years before appling! sorry to say!

Cars are much cheaper on the whole, I always say by a car thats cheap to service and cheap on spare parts, unless your getting a new one? Petrol is getting more and more expensive here it's average $1:45 at the moment, so unlike me who has a v6! buy something good on fuel! Whilst the Korean cars are cheap and readily available the paint is shocking! it fades and peeling in the hot Ozzy sun! Although I believe there is a kind of paint protection you can get put on them!


Where abouts you looking to live?

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Guest rach2323
  fiona1975 said:
Hi Rachel,


The interview was fine, I actually had 2, 1 with Royal Perth and another with Ramsey. Royal Perth asked about my current position, skills etc, gave me a few scenarios (5 or 6 questions)relevant to my field ie admin of chemo drugs etc, really friendly, just wanted to find out where my skills were and identify areas I needed training on (went for job in unfamiliar area) Gave me info on ward etc opportunity to ask questions. Nothing to worry about its all very informal and friendly. I had my interview early July I think and just received my official offer last weeek (would have been sooner but one of my refs was slow to reply.) I can apply for visa in next few weeks as soon as I get my registration through. (with NMBWA).


I think if you have the funds and are prepared to wait an extra few months the skilled independent visa is possibly the best option, but for us we want to go asap and the temp 457 costs about £125 as opposed to £1000 for permanent visa. With all the other costs inviolved we decided to just go for the 457 and get PR when in Australia.


As far as I know most hospitals only offer 8 hr shifts unless you work in icu or a and e. I currently work 3 x 10 hr shifts so working 5 x 8 hrs will be a shock! However my new manager at the Royal Perth has told me most people have children and I'll be in good company as everyone juggles work and home! She says they try to accomodate most requests. Hope this helps, Fiona x

Hi Fiona

Thanxs for answering.I have been flooded with e-mails since I sent my cv out.This is why might gofor sponsorship visa now if I get a job offer.Although if Joondalup offer pr now might hold out.Thing is prtaking 12-18months and don't want to wait that long.Its so confusing toknow what to do for the best.I have not had positive feedback about child friendly hours.It amazes me I have 35 staff on my ward and they all do different things according to their situations and just their preferences including me!Ialsohave interviews with St John of God and Hollywood Private Hospital did you deal with them at all?Anyway congratulations and speak soon


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Guest guest1228
  rach2323 said:
Hi Fiona

Thanxs for answering.I have been flooded with e-mails since I sent my cv out.This is why might gofor sponsorship visa now if I get a job offer.Although if Joondalup offer pr now might hold out.Thing is prtaking 12-18months and don't want to wait that long.Its so confusing toknow what to do for the best.I have not had positive feedback about child friendly hours.It amazes me I have 35 staff on my ward and they all do different things according to their situations and just their preferences including me!Ialsohave interviews with St John of God and Hollywood Private Hospital did you deal with them at all?Anyway congratulations and speak soon


Hi Rachel, good to hear from you.


Have you had a reply from Royal Perth? What is your speciality? I am still waiting for Ramsey to get back in touch its been ages! Where have you heard that pr is taking 12 months plus? Is that sponsored PR? If so I'm glad I've decided to go 457! So I'm going for Royal Perth job. i agree it's very confusing knowing which to go for.

I know what you mean about child friendly hours, currently I work 3 x 10 hrs which suits me fine. I suspect once you have foot in door in Perth you can possibly negotiate better flexibility. Although all wards will have a request system in place I'm sure. How did you get interview with Hollywood? They are part of Ramsey and after initial interview with HR I'm still waiting! I didn't go for SJOG but did contact Sir Charles Gairdner, no vacancies in my preferred area though so thought I'd stick to Royal Perth. I think the more options you have it just does your head in trying to work out which is best option!

Keep in touch, nice to talk to someone in the same situation.

Take care Fiona x

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Guest guest1228
  ali said:
I think whilst you're on the temporary 457 visa you are required to work full time.




Hi Ali, Is that reply for me? I work 30 hours a week here in Uk but will be full time in Perth. Hoping to drop a day when I get PR. Incidentally, I see you live in Leeming. Can you give me any info on the area as it's somewhere we've been looking at. Thanks Fiona

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