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Daughter is 4 in August 28th 2012


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in UK my daughter would have been starting full time ed from this September and been one of the youngest in the class (Spetember is when we hope to land on a PR visa). Obviously, the school year is different and I belleve the birthday cut off day is July????? What can she do - does the government provide 2 days kindergarten at this age as I think I have read? i would be looking to get some work when I get there as hubby has a job and living expense is not cheap (!)but obviously any help towards child care outgoings will be great. I also think I can get childcare rebate up to 50% anyway but this is more about starting into the education system. Any guidance appreciated, on any aspect:smile:

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in UK my daughter would have been starting full time ed from this September and been one of the youngest in the class (Spetember is when we hope to land on a PR visa). Obviously, the school year is different and I belleve the birthday cut off day is July????? What can she do - does the government provide 2 days kindergarten at this age as I think I have read? i would be looking to get some work when I get there as hubby has a job and living expense is not cheap (!)but obviously any help towards child care outgoings will be great. I also think I can get childcare rebate up to 50% anyway but this is more about starting into the education system. Any guidance appreciated, on any aspect:smile:


If you are coming to WA and your daughter turns 4 at the end of August, she will be eligible for a kindy place from the following February (so she will be almost 4½ when she starts). Prior to this date she won't be eligible for any government funded kindy or nursery so if you are working you would need to go for private daycare - there is a rebate scheme for permanent residents though. Hope this helps, and best of luck with the move :-)

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Guest Gago20
I believe your son is already at the correct age to be at Kindy. If you arrive after Feb 2013 he will be in pre-primary


Thanks very much SusieQ :smile:

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