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Can I pick youe brains please?

Oldham poms

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Hi All,


We have been granted our visa today so the flights are booked for 2 weeks time. Have been booked into a holiday home (innaloo) for about 7 weeks till our furniture arrives. We have 3 children with us (14, 4 & 1).



Schooling is our first priority and then we can look for rental houses based on catchment areas. We need a non catholic high school and Catholic primary school. Slightly confused on the age that they will start/year entry. Our 14 year old is currently in year 9 and our 4 year old started in reception class last September. I have read somewhere that it depends on the month they were born. (14 year old - just turned 14 a few days ago, our 4 year old is not 5 till end of August)


Any advice on good schools, areas to live (and avoid like the plague) would be massively appreciated. Need to be living no more than 45 min drive to CBD but apart from that no specific preference to north or south of perth centre.


Sorry all I've rambled on a bit but got all sorts flying around my frazzled brain



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Hi Op & welcome:smile:..congrats on your visa!...hope this helps a little..

This is from The Dept of Ed WA...

http://www.det.wa.edu.au/education/ece/calculator.html ..school age calculator for when your child can start school...


They must turn seven years of age by 30 June of the year they start Year 2

They must turn eight years of age by 30 June of the year they start Year 3

They must turn nine years of age by 30 June of the year they start Year 4

They must turn 10 years of age by 30 June of the year they start Year 5

They must turn 11 years of age by 30 June of the year they start Year 6

They must turn 12 years of age by 30 June of the year they start Year 7


WA public secondary schools are generally from Years 8 to 12 and most children begin Year 8 during the year they turn 13.



Edited by Pingpongpom2
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Hi All,


We have been granted our visa today so the flights are booked for 2 weeks time. Have been booked into a holiday home (innaloo) for about 7 weeks till our furniture arrives. We have 3 children with us (14, 4 & 1).



Schooling is our first priority and then we can look for rental houses based on catchment areas. We need a non catholic high school and Catholic primary school. Slightly confused on the age that they will start/year entry. Our 14 year old is currently in year 9 and our 4 year old started in reception class last September. I have read somewhere that it depends on the month they were born. (14 year old - just turned 14 a few days ago, our 4 year old is not 5 till end of August)


Any advice on good schools, areas to live (and avoid like the plague) would be massively appreciated. Need to be living no more than 45 min drive to CBD but apart from that no specific preference to north or south of perth centre.


Sorry all I've rambled on a bit but got all sorts flying around my frazzled brain




Your eldest will be in Year 9 this year and your youngest will be in Kindy which is unfortunately only 2 days a week and not compulsory and you may struggle to find a place in your area of choice. Also catholic schools are private schools and as such catchment areas don't apply and most have massive waiting lists. As for areas, if you are looking at public high schools then the best are Shenton College, Churchlands, Rossmoyne, Duncraig. The are all strict on living in catchment so take a look at their websites.

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