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Agents who just DONT turn up!

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Think I posted this in the wrong bit, but,


My hubs has been to view 6 properties today. Looked great on agents website. 2 he just drove away from because they were disgusting (clever photography) and 3 the agents didn't even bother turning up to show the (at least) 12 people wanting to view! What is wrong with these folk?

Hubs (architect) is after a nice, clean, 1 or 2 bed apartment (or anything furnished) to rent til at least October.

Is Gumtree better?

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Think I posted this in the wrong bit, but,


My hubs has been to view 6 properties today. Looked great on agents website. 2 he just drove away from because they were disgusting (clever photography) and 3 the agents didn't even bother turning up to show the (at least) 12 people wanting to view! What is wrong with these folk?

Hubs (architect) is after a nice, clean, 1 or 2 bed apartment (or anything furnished) to rent til at least October.

Is Gumtree better?


Maybe the agent drove up, took one look at the clients and drove away disgusted!:biglaugh:


Only messin, did you check the agents site for any cancellation notices? They can cancel at the last minute and post a message, but probaly not knowing estate agents in a bouyant market. Amazing how a recession can put manners on an agent, falling over each other here in Ireland for the right to manage our property.

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Get used to it Rental Real Estate Agents in Perth think they are 'Gods', every viewing attracts dozens of applicants so they can afford to pick and choose, the scary part is we went to 2 viewings where loads of people turned up, it was a bit of a dump and we didnt apply, but we thought with the amount of people showing up someone would have taken it, a month later it was back on the market, makes you wonder!!!!!!

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Hubs was sorted today in Hillary's. Fabulous 2 bed 2 story fully furnished home. He's delighted. It kind of makes you wonder what folk will put up with doesn't it? Gumtree personals looked to be more eventful than the agents until this home came up. Hubs was lucky to be the first off the mark.

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