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Since moving to Perth- what have you missed?

Russ and claire :)

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Guest Philosopher

I miss good quality ham off the bone from Morrisons, the Morrisons salad cart too. The cakes and desserts are nicer at home too.


A decent chippy with cut potatoes put in the fryer to create chunky soft chips yum yum with some cod or haddock. Also cadburys chocolate as it is in England.


I can live without the above but if anyone knows of anywhere decent to get them do let me know :cute:x

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Guest Philosopher

I heard its because Cadburys use a different oil in the chocolate to change the texture so it doesn't melt so quickly. Plus its very cheap and nasty and helps them to make more profits as there will be less of the good stuff in there so bulks it out and tastes weird. But there is alot of Cadbury chocolate in the shops over here so many different flavours that we don't get in the Uk too. Perhaps it helps to sell it as the chocolate isn't as nice so they add things to intice us to buy. I'm a chocoholic and won't touch it.


chocolate isnt the same because the ozzie cadburys use a different sugar, apparentley. sound plausable to me though.
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  • 2 months later...
Guest racheldarkesouthwood

This is a good post, so I'm going to resurrect it! Definitely agree with the sausage thing, but also massively agree that your memory of something tasting 'better in the UK' is always inflated, and you very quickly get used to things how they are here, so they taste a little odd when you go back to the UK. I simply can't believe the variety here - IGA is surely the best supermarket in the world?! There is literally one of everything ever produced as food!!

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IGA does rock. If they had McVitie's chocolate homewheat digestive biscuits, I'd live in one.

I've missed things like proper Peroni, but my local bottle-o has started importing it.

And I may have alleviated my bacon craving - getting some delivered from aussiefarmersdirect.com.au

I'm still kicking myself that when I saw bottles of Sarson's in a Coles a couple of months back I didn't buy some. Not seen them since :-(

I've given up on Aussie chocolate I'm afraid - just pay the extra for Swiss stuff now.

If I visit the UK again, I'm going to buy four boxes of Seabrook's prawn cocktail crisps, three of their Canadian Ham flavour and 8 boxes of Monster Munch (any flavour), bury myself in them and then eat my way out.

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Guest racheldarkesouthwood

Lol Phil! I'm a savoury person, too ;O) but find the smiths (or Coles' own) s&v perfectly satisfactory. I brought my cousin a load of McVities out here - he put them straight in a biscuit tin! Look out for when I come back because I'll bring you some stuff

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Lol Phil! I'm a savoury person, too ;O) but find the smiths (or Coles' own) s&v perfectly satisfactory. I brought my cousin a load of McVities out here - he put them straight in a biscuit tin! Look out for when I come back because I'll bring you some stuff


Can we give you an order then? x

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