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Hi There


After being a member on Poms in Oz for six months this is my first post suprisingly.


In the infamous terms of Gordon Ramsey


Decision to move to Oz - Done

Contact Visa Agent - Done

Complete Skill assesment - Done

Positive Assesment - Done

Application to WA for sponsership - Done

Positive sponsership - Done

Application into to DIAC - Done


Now just waiting to complete the recipe.


We plan to move to Geraldton and would love to make contact with anyone living there who could give us the low down.

My wife and me are in our late 30's early 40's (Thats me two days ago) hence the phew on putting my DIAC application in four days ago.


We would love to know what the job prospects are like we are experienced in catering and company management accountancy.

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Absolutely correct, we have to go to a low pop growth area and therefore Geraldton looked like a good bet. We plan to travel there later this year to scope this and other possible areas out, but thought it would be a good start.

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Bad news for Geraldton yesterday as the proposed Oakajee Port & Rail project has been put on hold by the state government until they can work out where the money is going to come from to pay for it. Shouldn't affect the current situation in Geraldton though.

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  • 5 months later...
My family and I have been in Geraldton for 12 months now. We are also on a regional visa and probably chose Geraldton for similar reasons. If you are still planning to make the move then get in touch and I will try and help answer any questions.



Hi there


Thank you very much for your kind offer.


I have to enter Oz by the 3rd July next year to start my visa but I have the added complication in that i've now moved to the Caribbean and will be here until i move there.


I will be flying to Perth in mid June and would love to meet up for a beer and a chin wag/orientation on Oz/Perth/Geraldton.


I have been looking at your golf and tennis club and instantly love it and also the majority of what i've read about Geraldton in general.


I think it will all come down to job prospects, as I have been working in the offshore finance industry for the last fifteen years as a manager/accountant and just need to comfortable that I can fit in there. Therefore I intend to line up interviews with a lot of job agencies to see what is available and what I can turn my hand to.

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