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Thought this site was to find answers to questions and to maybe make some friends along the way with like minded people. How wrong was I!!!!

Clearly people are not interested in anybody that doesnt have children these days. We were hoping there would be, since there are many known welsh that have been in our position before and moved to Oz, some people that may have offered their story to us of their experience of moving and some helpful hints. No doubt there will be lots of available jobs then if NO hairdressers can post to us!!!!! Good for me EH!!!!!


Come on assessors, Perths hairdressers need me!!!!!

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Do I detect a hint of hostility in your post?


A member less then a month with 3 posts, you could have given it a bit longer before losing the plot.


Maybe there are no hairdresser members? Maybe they havn't logged on & seen your post?

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~Erm excuse me~

My husband and I have no children and also on the wrong side of 40. So far from our experience of this forum everyone on this site has been extremely helpful and friendly. We have had many offers of help, loan of a car, someone to show us around on arrival etc. Actually we were a bit taken back as to how helpful and friendly people are who post questions on the forun

Also am very very Welsh and proud to be from the South Wales coal mining valleys that used to be.

Perhaps you are asking the wrong kind of questions for the responses you would like. I take it you are yet to find work as a hairdresser from your post. Perhaps your attitude could be something to do with lack of postive responses.

I do not mean to be offensive or offend anyone who reads the reply to Simcar's postor turn this helpful forum into a cat fight. But the lack of respect for the above post has taken me aback slightly



Cymru Am Byth

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Guest ansaandanirish

wow...just cause you got no response.... you're crazy!

i've posted things that have got replies and things which havent, cant say i held it against everyone!!!

its all pot luck. keep your agro to yourself, i agree...you've been a member 3 months!you think everything should be handed to you on a silver plate!

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I am also a bit surprised having made many online friends, including those without kids, on PIO. There just so happens to be more families making the move than you couples without them. Just give PIO a chance and ask nicely !Oh andyou got 12 replies on your IELTS post !>?!?!

Edited by Chardy
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Wow I must agree this is a bolt from the blue.


We are a couple with no kids and have made lots of friends over the past months on here & had help on several subjects. Thus said even we have had posts with no replies at all.


if people have nothing to say on a subject theres not much they can say.

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Im sorry you feel that way. I dont always get answers or responses, but I tend to have a look through threads to see if the question is already answered somewhere. I've made some friends here already and swapped mail with a lovely lady. The one thing I have learned about Australia (from hubby being there) is if you kick up a stink, you dont get along. You need to be able to get on with people and show respect to your fellow neighbours. Chucking your toys out of the pram publicly will only isolate you.

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We operate several forums and it's not uncommon for us to get a request from a new member to delete their account and when we look into it, they've made 1 post and not got a reply. Inevitably people take it personally. The fact is though that more often than not, it's not personal, it's just down to the timing of a post. There's a window of opportunity when a post is showing on the front page of the website in the 'Recent Threads' area, but once it drops off there, it's easily missed as not everyone goes looking through the individual forums seeing what's been posted. It's just one of those things though, most of us have started threads that have gone unnoticed, it's of the reasons we do encourage members to have a browse through the 'unanswered threads' (accessed from the smaller menubar at the top of each page) from time to time and see if there's any threads they can help out on.

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:ssign15: As and when possible , i myself am a Hairdresser working in WA.

So if you have any questions i will answer if i can , also sometimes its hard trying to catch up with all posts and we miss the odd ones .. personaly i feel this forum has a great friendly feel to it and offers as much advice as can be given ... if in doubt of a question or answer given remember to check with agents etc or maybe pop over to our sister site www.pomsinoz.com as there are a lot more members and they may have that elusive answer :)

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Maybe your right, I may have been expecting too much too soon. I am not a hostile person, quite the contrary, Its a very anxious time waiting to lodge our visa and I am sorry for any offence, I'll be more patient!

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Many thanks for your reply, It is a very anxious time waiting for the visa to be lodged and I guess I was being very impatient. Apologies for any offence caused. We have looked at Pomsinoz site but as WA only state sponsoring hairdressing, we thought this site may have given some help to us as Perth is where we will be looking to relocate.

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Oh you sound well on your way, excellent. We are hoping to have our visa lodged by the end of next month, assessors currently got my qualification details so we are crossing fingers. Thanks for your positive words of encouragement, I will stay upbeat and keep looking for info! Well done to your hubby for the Ielts test results, I had similar results and was very pleased!

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I have responded to many of the replies to my thread and made an apology to them for any offence caused. It is a very anxious time and while that is no excuse, I was a little impatient and promptly posted something I later regreted. Thank you for the offer of chatting. We are using an agent, who so far has been great. The skills assessors have my details and we are waiting to have an email to tell us they have finished with them in a positive way and that our visa can be lodged before the change on July 1st.

We want to relocate to Perth, currently they are the only state that sponsor hairdressing. I have many years experience and pretty much all the qualifications I could achieve. I have not actively sought work in Perth yet, we are visiting Oz in December through to January and will be researching when we get there!


What is your story/experience??

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Thank you for this offer, I apolgies to you if I caused any offence. I would like to know how easy or difficult is it to find a hairdressing job in Perth? I have 24 years experience and all the possible qualifications I could achieve, including training and assessing! I am a friendly, easy going person who can work as an individual or as part of a team and talking is my speciality!!! LOL We have been on the sister site, we thought this site would be more informative for us.

Where is it you work and how long have you been hairdressing?

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Please accept my apologies for any offence I caused you. This is a very anxious time for us and although it is no excuse, I was a little impatient and publicly threw a tantrum.

I have not actively sought work yet, my husband and I spending 6 weeks in Oz in December and January, we are going to research before we come out and use the time wisely when we are over there.


On the contrary to you suggesting I may have an attitude, being the reason I have not found work, I am usually a very patient person, friendly with a positive attitude. However, this process is a difficult time and realise that we have no control over the situation, this we find difficult and should not have reacted in this way!


I will bear your suggestion of asking the right type of questions in future.

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The last thing I wanted is to isolate us, quit the contraty but went about it all the wrong way. My apologies for any offence caused. It is a very anxious time and guess did not give it enough patience. Have taken all replies on board an will not be doing the same thing again.

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Simcar - yes just chill out with it a bit. It is a horrendous, stressful experience as you will see stated on many posts but is for a very good purpose! Our house sale just fell through which has really changed the goalposts again. You will find these things are sent to test us. I try to remain upbeat and could only handle what I am dealt with!! I am getting quite thick skinned to it and now have decided to stop smoking over the weekend too. I must think I'm invincible!


So keep going with the stress and the joys - you'll work through it and each week/month you learn something new or move to the next step in the process. Best of luck!

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Hi SIMCAR, I think you've managed to pull off the near impossible by digging yourself out of a hole the size of the Kalgoorlie Super Pit!!!


I'm sure that we all understand you a bit better now so well done.........Oh and.............. STOP APOLOGISING!!!!!!!! :wink:

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