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How long to get used to shopping in Oz?


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Following on from the thread about Next doing deliveries, it occurred to me that I would have been really excited about that in the first couple of years but now I've been here for so long I don't think I'd bother. I remember my first shopping experience into the city and being totally lost as the only shops I recognized was Laura Ashley and the Body Shop. I think it took a couple of years to be familiar with all the shops - what they stock, prices etc. I know I like Suzanne, that Katies is cheap and cheerful but you can find some bargains that aren't for old ladies, that Jeanswest do size 11 and 13, that Country Road is made for rich, tall stick insects etc etc - in the same way that you know exactly what Top Shop/Next extra stock.

When I first went back to the the Uk on a visit I remember shopping like mad to bring things back and the thrill I had just to see shower gel from Boots in the bathroom! Now when I go back I'll have a wander round Marks but have lost that panic to stock up on all things British - I think I may have turned into an Aussie! May be we could start a guide to shopping in Oz listing our thoughts of common chain stores to help the new people!

Anyone else lost their interest in UK shopping and if so how long did it take?

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We are pretty much the same. My wife complained about the clothes, etc when we got here and we did shop online, but now it's only on the odd occasion that we buy online if we see something for the kids, although she still browses the Pennys/Primark website dreaming of what she'll stock up on if we go back to Ireland.

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Such a good thread. We emigrated back in 2007, and since then I've shopped over here for clothes. Never did shop in Next or "them"shops when we lived there so it was nothing for me to get used to shopping in all the shops here. The only online shopping we still do is Amazon for books and dvds, they seem so expensive here. Although when box sets of series drop down to $25 and under I do buy them here. As the saying goes "when in Rome"

Where ever I am I enjoy shopping for bargains!! hehe

Jane :wubclub:

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Have to say 3 years plus and i am over it .. also i can't be bothered to do the returns if it doesn't fit back to the UK ( wouldn't stop me on spluging as and when i go back though !) .. i like katie's ( my Favourite so far ) and Target stuff also Rockmans and crossroads for bits and bobs .. I do shop around and buy as and where ..

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I start cheap and work up. Two great Good Sammy charity shops side by side in Selby Street, Osborne Park - they even have sales where you can buy clothes for a $1! If nothing there then drive across to the Innaloo shopping centre where there is target and K mart. Other high street shops - for teenage girls Supre (very cheap, fall apart tat), Sports girl. City beach - good surf gear. Cotton On and jays Jays - 'younger fashion. Sussan - nice and not expensive - they do a good loyalty card - spend $500 (in however long you want) get a $50 voucher. Flower - sometimes have 'nothing over $50' sales - lots of stretchy fabric good for the fuller figure - also TS - trendy version of Evans for 'large' people! Sportscraft - I like their stuff but saw the same trousers there I bought in Primary for five quid for $80 so won't go back! Country Road - lovely stuff and good quality, agree it is better if you are 5ft 10in - beautiful range of kids clothes but expensive. Pumpkin Patch for kids - like the old Adams shop. School shoes - Betts for kids, and Betts shoes for adults everywhere. If you haven't found Harbour Town yet - discount shopping Centre - go! Sure others can add to the list - Katies - some of it frumpy but don't be put off, some Ok things and I think they do larger sizes. Picnic - nice stuff for work - bit more expensive but I like their things. Took me about a year to get to know these - and lots of shopping hours can't - complain about that!

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