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Transport accross the river

Guest hodges

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Guest hodges

Hi we are coming over next June. We are looking at renting in the northern part of perth, around Warwick at the mo (changes daily), also any feedback on Warwick appreciated. i am going to be travelling to Murdoch south of the river everyday. We only want one car so i am thinking on using the train. I have looked the links up and is seems to say that it will take apx 45 mins. I dont mind doing this but can anyone advise if the trains are reliable if they quote 45 mins is that a good judge? Also how does their transport compare to the UK?


Thanks for any advise recommendations.



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I've only heard of a couple of major disruptions to train services since I've been here (18 months), which isn't too bad. I only use the train to go into the city from murdoch which takes about 10 mins. My in laws used the trains all the time when they visited earlier in the year and found them to be reliable.



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Guest hodges

Thanks for responding it gives me a bit of an idea on the trains. Do you mind if i ask another question if you use Murdoch station do you know how far Murdoch tafe is from it ,is it walkable?




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Lol - I've seen the sign for Murdoch Tafe but never gone and looked where it is! I sometimes walk from Leeming (next suburb) to the station which takes me about 15 mins. There are a number of buses outside the station and one may be there - if the TAFE is on Murdoch drive - then I'd say it's walkable.



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