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Bateman primary open kindy playground


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Anyone have experience of bateman primary? Have just got a kindy place there, so glad to get one mid year and seemed great except kindy playground open to rest of school and school open to road. Know they are supervised but v concerned. Feel 1 of 20 could easily slip away. Mother in law said I was over protective and have to let go but he is only 4 and used to a very protected little pre school at home. Have seen other kindy playgrounds secured with large fence, anyone have experience of this school or another with unprotected kindy playground? am I just a worrier from another culture and not getting the relaxed Perth vibe? just think his security is my responsibility at the end of the day. Thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest angelachill

I've only looked around one other school and that was open to the road and the general public with one member of staff supervising at least 300 kids and with her back to 99% of them chatting to a group of older children. I have to say I think it's poor and a disaster waiting to happen. Their answer was that the area is a safe one so no need to put fnces up which if i were a paedophile strikes me as being the perfect lcation.

I don't think you are being over protctive if anything happens to your child sure they will all be sorry about it but who's loss is it really, all yours.

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My childrens schools have open access across the ovals, although Kindy is supervised more closely during recess. My sons primary school has even started 'bush play' which they think is fantastic (parents can tell the school they don't want their kids to participate but haven't).


The Schools here look very different to what we were used to in the UK, fields, open play/access, it's easy to feel unsettled and certainly our responsibility to make our children aware of stranger danger, but I've been here 5 years and it's not seemed to be a paedophile magnet.

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Anyone have experience of bateman primary? Have just got a kindy place there, so glad to get one mid year and seemed great except kindy playground open to rest of school and school open to road. Know they are supervised but v concerned. Feel 1 of 20 could easily slip away. Mother in law said I was over protective and have to let go but he is only 4 and used to a very protected little pre school at home. Have seen other kindy playgrounds secured with large fence, anyone have experience of this school or another with unprotected kindy playground? am I just a worrier from another culture and not getting the relaxed Perth vibe? just think his security is my responsibility at the end of the day. Thanks.


I'm quite surprised. Most of the primary schools around my way have the K and PP kids fenced off from the rest of the school. Not necessarily because of nutters getting in but kids are resourceful creatures and if there is not a fence, when you are 4 the road looks quite appealing. On the whole I like the relaxed Perth vibe so am glad there is no fence around most schools. I have been here 7 years and my kids over that time have attending 2 primary schools and I have worked in 1 for 3 years. I can't recall one instance of a child going missing from school grounds or a pedophile entering school grounds in my area. I can't comment on other areas of Perth but I can't recall anything in the news. Express your views to the school and ask if there have been any issues with regard to children wandering off.

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Guest theandersonfamily

You have every right to be concerned. Always go with your gut instinct. You are not over protective and like you said, your child is only 4 years old. Hope that helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest angelachill

Ive now seen 4 primaries in total and 3/4 were fnced in my opinion the ones who arent fenced off are trying to justify their position but it probably comes down to money as most things do. Plenty of safe schools around though keep looking.

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