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uk house how long has is it been for sale?

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  oz dollar said:
With the bad rain we have had it hasn't help with the Uk house market.

Now with a better forcast it should bring the buyers out.( fingers crossed)

How long your house been for sale?

Nice to hear from people in the same boat.



Ours has been on for a year now. Had quite a few viewers, but most of them have to sell theirs, so the market is a bit stagnant. Leaving in September, so going to let it out.

We had thought about keeping it on the market and renting out, but that isn't really workable. Will put back on market in couple of years, hopefully things will have improved by then.



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  Rosshf said:
Ours has been on for a year now. Had quite a few viewers, but most of them have to sell theirs, so the market is a bit stagnant. Leaving in September, so going to let it out.

We had thought about keeping it on the market and renting out, but that isn't really workable. Will put back on market in couple of years, hopefully things will have improved by then.




Thank you for your reply .Iv got my fingers crossed for you Ross.

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Renting out our properties also ...not the right time to sell in the UK its going to be at least another 5-8 years before the market picks up. House prices will never rocket as they did a couple of years ago in the "yuppie" era. Plus they are they if we decide to go back as only on a 457 visa ............

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Put ours on in March, took 8 weeks to find a buyer who then wasted 3 weeks trying to get a mortgage so went back on, got a viewing 2 days later and they offered but hadn't got theirs on the market - they did and had an offer in 3 days so we are sitting waiting for it all to go through now.

Not too bad I thought if a bit stressful !

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ours took 9 weeks and only had 2 viewers ,think were really lucky as some in our area has been up for more than a year now ,good luck tho it does only take one to like it

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We've had ours up for sale for about 6 weeks with no interest at all so we put it up for "sale or rent" and got 2 viewings booked within a day for renting!

The first viewing has gone really well and she is bringing her husband round tomorrow. The second viewing is on Tuesday but I dont think we will be needing it to be honest!


Rental seems to be the way to go with the way the market is at the minute. As Elfie says you always have the safety net of something to come back to aswell. (not that we plan to though, but nice to have)

Not many people seem to be buying at the moment, people dont think the prices are going to go up anytime soon so whats the point?

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We put ours on the market mid February - unfortunately with an agent who overpriced the house for the market, put loads of people through the door (or so they say, I watched them from across the road a couple of times and no-one crossed my front door except for the agent!) and after 19 viewing and finally reaching the 20 week contract period we terminated.


Have now changed agents (in the last week) and whilst no viewings yet, I am hopeful.


We want to sell our house, renting isn't really an options for us as we want the capital to give us a good start in Perth. We have no intention of coming back once we're there.

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  Wile E Coyote said:
We've had ours up for sale for about 6 weeks with no interest at all so we put it up for "sale or rent" and got 2 viewings booked within a day for renting!

The first viewing has gone really well and she is bringing her husband round tomorrow. The second viewing is on Tuesday but I dont think we will be needing it to be honest!


Rental seems to be the way to go with the way the market is at the minute. As Elfie says you always have the safety net of something to come back to aswell. (not that we plan to though, but nice to have)

Not many people seem to be buying at the moment, people dont think the prices are going to go up anytime soon so whats the point?


Good luck tomorrow got everything crossed for you.

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  PomPom said:
We put ours on the market mid February - unfortunately with an agent who overpriced the house for the market, put loads of people through the door (or so they say, I watched them from across the road a couple of times and no-one crossed my front door except for the agent!) and after 19 viewing and finally reaching the 20 week contract period we terminated.


Have now changed agents (in the last week) and whilst no viewings yet, I am hopeful.


We want to sell our house, renting isn't really an options for us as we want the capital to give us a good start in Perth. We have no intention of coming back once we're there.


Our sentiments exactly !!:wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

We put ours up sale, in 3 months had 2 viewings and no offers, not even a low offer, we gave up and rented it out, problem is we need the capital here in Perth, the high rents are killing us, I spend more in a week on rent here than i do on my mortgage in the uk and thats monthly, but have decide to keep it for a bit longer, while we have a good tennant we are happy, if they ever move on we will put it up for sale again to test the market

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  Adjutant said:
Our place has been on the market 2 months, but despite intial interest its gone quiet, we are told due to school holidays.

Depressing as in the last 2 years two houses in our street of the same type and price range sold in under a week.


Good luck I am sure things will start to pick up soon for us all.

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We put ours up end of feb had a few viewing and second viewings. At the end of may we accepted a offer! Yeahhhhh turns out we got the buyer from hell!! My agent told this guy we were moving to oz big big mistake, he ended up getting my phone number under the pretence of buying my furniture, turns out the arrogant little person thinks I should give him it as he believes his offer was more than generous!!!! Well we still haven't had a survey done! He decides to knock 5 grand off his offer for a few things I was honest about, so did the jobs myself and they cost less than £600. Well he was told the jobs were done and he rang and left me a message demanding I ring him!! This guy has being told not to contact me as he turned into such a pest and is very inappropriate with me!!

The minute he told me rhe agent had told him about oz and the disappointment in his voice when I told him we weren't going as soon as the agent said, I knew what was coming this guys thinking we have booked our flights and if he leaves it to the last minute he will get a right bargain! His wrong he is we priced the property to sell and I refuse to give it to him I don't care how much I want to be in Perth. So last week I called our time wasters bluff he had till the end of last week to get things rolling or do one!! Well he has now being told to do one!!

Well we have a cash buyer coming to view tomorrow so fingers crossed :)

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  yorkshirepudding said:
We put ours up end of feb had a few viewing and second viewings. At the end of may we accepted a offer! Yeahhhhh turns out we got the buyer from hell!! My agent told this guy we were moving to oz big big mistake, he ended up getting my phone number under the pretence of buying my furniture, turns out the arrogant little person thinks I should give him it as he believes his offer was more than generous!!!! Well we still haven't had a survey done! He decides to knock 5 grand off his offer for a few things I was honest about, so did the jobs myself and they cost less than £600. Well he was told the jobs were done and he rang and left me a message demanding I ring him!! This guy has being told not to contact me as he turned into such a pest and is very inappropriate with me!!

The minute he told me rhe agent had told him about oz and the disappointment in his voice when I told him we weren't going as soon as the agent said, I knew what was coming this guys thinking we have booked our flights and if he leaves it to the last minute he will get a right bargain! His wrong he is we priced the property to sell and I refuse to give it to him I don't care how much I want to be in Perth. So last week I called our time wasters bluff he had till the end of last week to get things rolling or do one!! Well he has now being told to do one!!

Well we have a cash buyer coming to view tomorrow so fingers crossed :)


After everything you put up with with that buyer from hell, I'm keeping everything crossed that the cash buyer makes you a decent offer! We're flying out in two weeks and after having no success on the rental side have just put our house on the market to sell, two viewings and one very silly offer so far but once we're on that plane we'll let it become the agents problem for a while, we can wait. Best of luck to everyone selling!

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Ours has been on the market since April and we have had some viewings but a lot of them just seem to be looking at what is out there before they are putting their house on the market. We have not had any offers and like others sometimes it would be nice to have a low offer because then you know that people are interested in your property.


We have changed our agent once already and to be honest I don't think that they do a great deal to get people to look at your property. They post them on websites and then wait for people to contact them, it does get you down at times but you have to remain positive I suppose.

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  frosties said:
After everything you put up with with that buyer from hell, I'm keeping everything crossed that the cash buyer makes you a decent offer! We're flying out in two weeks and after having no success on the rental side have just put our house on the market to sell, two viewings and one very silly offer so far but once we're on that plane we'll let it become the agents problem for a while, we can wait. Best of luck to everyone selling!


Thanks but guess what!

They didn't show up lol you have to laugh!!

We have decided to validate in November, at least it will take the pressure off plus I really really need a holiday lol :)

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  yorkshirepudding said:
Thanks but guess what!

They didn't show up lol you have to laugh!!

We have decided to validate in November, at least it will take the pressure off plus I really really need a holiday lol :)


You wonder how some peoples minds work sometimes! Well have a lovely time and forget about selling the house for a bit. You may have some good news on your return if not before. Best of luck :0) x

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