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How is everyone getting on??

Guest dig23

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Guest dig23

Hi everyone,


Just thought I haven't posted on here for a while but have been keeping an eye on what's going on.


So we've got our visa lodged, our CO allocated and (fingers crossed) all our documents uploaded so it's just the old waiting game now.


How is everyone else getting on with things?? Hope it's all going well. :wubclub:

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Guest dig23

Have you been in Perth for long?


Our visa was granted on Friday! Yayyyy! Can't wait to get out there but won't be going till June next year! Not that I want to wish time away but I think the next 11 months are going to drag!!

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Guest dig23
Hubs flies home in 13 days and then we fly back out 24th August. Very excited!!!!


Ahhh exciting!! Everything to do with this seems exciting at the moment!! I just can't wait! :cute:

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3 weeks today and i'll be packing the last few things and ready for the big move. Have terrible mood swings at the mo. Defo want to make the move, not worries there, but lots im going to miss I think. Sometimes I just can't put my finger on what it is! Obviously for me, my Son will be at uni in UK until at least next Sept when he graduates and I don't speak to my dad. Unfinished business where he is concerned which doesn't help. About to do my last Saturday at work. Have had a monster week.

Anyway, onwards and upwards and looking forward to a break!

Edited by linda@no9
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We fly out on 6th Sept. Flights all booked, just waiting to hear back from Oz about shipping our car over. It's holding us up! Removals were provisionally booked for 6th Aug, now we're looking at 20th August. Still not got a case officer and been told can take up to 28 days to get permission to take the car once co allocated. The way we're going, we'll end up either leaving the car behind, or flying out before the removals come! :-(

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Guest LadyW


We hopefully fly out in october (visa granted in July). The days are dragging for me as we need to sort a few things out before we can book flights. I will feel better once I have a date to countdown to!!


Good luck all




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Guest racheldarkesouthwood

Hi Linda! Rach from Wedding Ideas here! It's great - you're going to love it here! Even the weather's lovely... the kids are in the pool as I type! Make sure you let me know when you arrive and we can meet up for a cocktail or two xx

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We were planning to move in September but moved it to the beginning of October. We are still waiting for a start date for OH's job, but I have sent off the paperwork to the pet shippers for our dog and they are in the process of applying for his import permit. I have started having clear outs but finding it hard deciding what to throw and what to keep. We have sold our caravan and the new owners will be picking it up soon, the house has still not sold so that will be rented. My emotions are all over the place and keep crying about family I am leaving behind, we know we have made the right decision but that doesn't make it any easier.

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have to say i have been here a week now and is a bit odd. dont know what i expected it to be like at all must say though i am not dissappointed. viewed my first home today which is lovely in secret harbour not a new build an older house that has been renovated. really glad it was not an open house just me to look about much better. wait now to speak with john tonight to see about putting in an application, this one has a garden not a square of grass as a lawn. its foxtel ready if we want it also it has to natural gas outlets so we can have a fire in each room. apparently you just plug the fire in the hole and away to go although im not so sure of that .................... the best thing for john is the huge garage with power so he will be happy .....................

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Hi Linda! Rach from Wedding Ideas here! It's great - you're going to love it here! Even the weather's lovely... the kids are in the pool as I type! Make sure you let me know when you arrive and we can meet up for a cocktail or two xx


Hi Rach! I did wonder if you were there again after your tweet yesterday. Whats the best point of contact for you? We fly 2 weeks friday so yes will defo be in touch for a cheeky cocktail! xxx

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Hey everyone, haven't been on here for a while but it's good to hear how you're getting on!


Hoping to book our flights in the next few days but won't be heading out to Perth till next June - it just seems so far away and time is going so slowly!!! Oh well I know I shouldn't wish time away.


Its really weird, I don't feel at all unsure or sad about moving from the uk at the moment but I guess the nearer it gets I think it will dawn on me what's actually happening and that I am moving away from my family - right now though it's all just exciting!


Anyway its good to hear from people who are over in Perth already and also from those who are heading over in the next few months - I do like to hear how you're all getting on with things. Hope everything goes well for you all.x

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Heard from the shippers today that there is no room at Byford for Jasper (our dog) until 31 October which means he will fly out on 29th October so will probably have to leave him in UK when we go. OH's new employer has asked for our details so they can book flights .... OMG it's really happening.

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Heard from the shippers today that there is no room at Byford for Jasper (our dog) until 31 October which means he will fly out on 29th October so will probably have to leave him in UK when we go. OH's new employer has asked for our details so they can book flights .... OMG it's really happening.


Our pooch is booked in for there. but because of blood tests and time for quarantine, shes being boarded here then flown out for her 30 days. Turns out cheaper doing it that way too. xxx

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Oh I would so love to take my dog but he's just too old to move bless him. My mums going to look after him here for me so I can always see him on Skype I guess. I'm going to miss him so much.


I don't think I'm allowed to take two very friendly fluffy bunnies am I???

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Hi Jak

I did think from yuor earleir post that you would be lucky to get a place in quarentine for early October when you hadnt applied for permit yet, but I didnt want to worry you unneccessarily!


We are taking our 12 year old border collie and she is going to hate quarentine but she would be heartbroken if we left her. She would sit by the door and wait for my OH all day every day!!



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Hi Jak

I did think from yuor earleir post that you would be lucky to get a place in quarentine for early October when you hadnt applied for permit yet, but I didnt want to worry you unneccessarily!


We are taking our 12 year old border collie and she is going to hate quarentine but she would be heartbroken if we left her. She would sit by the door and wait for my OH all day every day!!




Thanks Lisa, he is all sorted booked in for 31 October and flying out with Quantas on 29th, just got to pay for it now :arghh: but he is worth it, we couldn't move without him. He might have to be in kennels when we go, which he will hate plus the quarantine in Australia, I wish I could explain it to him.

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Guest Edinburgh2Perth

OH offered job back in November last year, finally sent contract mid April, which did not do much for confidence as you can imagine. Just waiting for approval for visa so hopefully should be coming out mid October. However house sold and we have to be out 26th September, so homeless for a few weeks. No stress then! Did a recce last week. OH job in Freo so looking at (very expensive) rentals in South Freo, going for the cool modern look. It rained and some whilst we were there, but equally had some brilliant weather, out in short sleeves, not bad for winter. Sooo excited, all the kids are now up and away the youngest going to uni in September. The carrot of a free holiday for them helped in their thought processes of parents up and leaving them! There is the internet and skype. Just having a hassle of whether I can import the car on a 457. No doubt something will sort itself out.

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Thanks Lisa, he is all sorted booked in for 31 October and flying out with Quantas on 29th, just got to pay for it now :arghh: but he is worth it, we couldn't move without him. He might have to be in kennels when we go, which he will hate plus the quarantine in Australia, I wish I could explain it to him.


Hi Jak


Our border collie flys out ont he 5th Novemebr so not far behind! May be see you there as I will have to visit her, she hates kennels and therefore we havent put her in one for years !!

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