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What did you think of the Olympics opening ceremony ?


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Hi Jaks

I have to beg to differ I thought the Olympic ceremony was terrible. I thought the replica of the Tor in Glastonbury I place I hold very dear to my heart an inuslt to the pagan community. There was far to much going on at anyone time. The guy in the crowd waving a nazi salute was terrible - its on utube. Sir Paul needs to be put out with the pit ponies ..................................... for retirement. But on the up there was not an incident of any kind so well done big slap on the back for the security teams .........................

Of course this is just my opinion no doubt it will offend someone if it does then I apologise.

love n light


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Oh my goodness , I woke up and had it on record, so sat with my cup of coffee with my mouth open and in tears! I was so bloomin moved it was fab fab fab fab, I was so proud to be British and also very impressed with the Aussie commentory who were nothing short of respectful, thought it was fab. Loved it loved it loved it. The Queen acting with Bond, Mr Beckham cruising up the thames just magical, fab.

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I enjoyed the industrial revolution segmant and thought the chariots of fire bit with Mr. Bean was typical British Humour. The Queen showed she was a good sport and I thought the lighting of the flames, was perhaps the best and most symbolic for many years (with the petals representing the nations coming together). My only worry about the closing ceremony is that I've heard the spice girls are appearing - they're probably worse than Paul McCartney.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest cdave

i have always been a big fan of the Olympics and i always make it a point to reallywatch the opening ceremony no matteri f im at work or am in the middle of something really important. i think that the opening ceremnoy was very uplifitning it was actually a sort of an emotional moment for me to be able to watch such a great opening ceremony i am sure that it did liven the spirit of all the countries and i do wish that they will all do their best to make this Olympics a very memorable part of history

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