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Arriving in Jan 2013 with 2 kids .


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Guest Nikki35
Hi Nikki . Thanks for the advice . We have looked at Lake joondalup + 3 program , have you heard anything positive about this one ? Also , we checked out Whitfords Catholic , l;ooks very good . Might be ok for the Eldest , but what about the 2 yo? Can he get in there in any way ? Andy


Sorry just seem this. 2 year old Childcare centre but Whitfords do a pre kindy programme from 3. 2 days a week at 50$ a day. But expensive as not subsidised by Govt. Childcare will be fine as you will get all the rebate back.

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Guest Nikki35
Banksia Grove is on the opposite side of the road to Tapping, not sure how one is rough and one isn't when separated by 20 meters!!! ??!!


I know that. But Banksia Grove is full of immigrants from Africa etc and believe me it definitely is. Tapping is fine. Check crime statistics out on it.

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Guest guest1337
I know that. But Banksia Grove is full of immigrants from Africa etc and believe me it definitely is. Tapping is fine. Check crime statistics out on it.


I believe you! But as there isn't anyone to defend banksia, and aren't you an immigrant? Seems harsh to be hard on an area due to the colour of the people who live there!

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i actually live in banksia grove and its fine ,ALTHO there is 2 parts to it the right hand side is rough and i wouldn't live there , the left hnd side if absolutely fine I've lived here a year never had any trouble and I'm also going to build here as its up and comin , high school and primary being built here and a supermarket


if u look at other areas u won't get a house for less than $500,000

my sons go to school which is public and is much better than the school he was in in the uk and my youngest has been going to the good start creche

which was also fine


i think it used to have a reputation but as the years have gone on its got better

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I know that. But Banksia Grove is full of immigrants from Africa etc and believe me it definitely is. Tapping is fine. Check crime statistics out on it.


The majority of suburbs are full of immigrants, your post doesn't come across very well hightlighting peoples colour as a reason not to live there (which probably wasn't your intentention).

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Guest Nikki35
The majority of suburbs are full of immigrants, your post doesn't come across very well hightlighting peoples colour as a reason not to live there (which probably wasn't your intentention).


Nope I don't mean that. I mean they were defo bogan types. And I don't mean immigrant. I mean refugee. That's the word I'm looking for. As yes I am an immigrant also. Lol

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bogans and refugees are two different things. Bogan tends to describe people that are unsophisticated have limited education, attitude etc., whilst Refugee is someone who has usually been persecuted because of race, colour, religion etc.,

Edited by ali
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State schools are meant to be not as good as UK ones. and thats froma few people i know plus also an australian teacher.




I would disagree as this hasn't been my experience - although we've only been here almost 6 years. I have two children both in the state system and haven't had any problems, they're learning needs are met and my daughter is awaiting WACE results and hopes to be offered a place at UWA. In what way do you know it to be worse than the UK?

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Nikki35
Hi Nikki . Have your kids started at Goodstart Ocean Reef ? We also have a place for ours in Early March , was hoping to get a report on the place !! We contacted them a while back and went on the waiting list . Any advice appreciated ! Andy


Hi Andy


yep they sure have and it's brilliant. Much like your UK ones. Have absolutely no concerns there at all. They are all well looked after.


I would recommend it





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Guest jantplus3

hi, can i join you? We arrive with a 4yo and 11m twins on wednesday (16th). Will need to get something organised pretty quickly to give me a break. Trudy, my other half starts work the monday afterwards!!


julie x

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Guest Nikki35
hi, can i join you? We arrive with a 4yo and 11m twins on wednesday (16th). Will need to get something organised pretty quickly to give me a break. Trudy, my other half starts work the monday afterwards!!


julie x


Hi Julie


put your name down now close to where your staying or in other suburb. As come feb they will be all taken up the places.


Where ya heading???

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, my family and I are looking to move out to Perth this June. I have four children ranging from 3 up to 13. I really need to know where the good state schools are so I can start looking at accommodation in those areas. Can you help me?

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Guest jantplus3

hello again, were currently in bayswater as its close to the cbd for a short commute, but we're looking around for a more permanent place to stay. We quite liked mindarie, however the commute to the cbd is about as much as we would like. We would like a familly friendly beach with not too many steps as i have a double buggy which i rely on.... We need a primary school for our eldest, although i don't think he'll go till next feb, (am i right?)

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  • 3 years later...

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