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Construction companies that employ personnel from the UK??

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Hi Guys,

Just wondering if anyone knows of any construction companies that are known to recruit from the UK? Or indeed any that may be worth sending CV and covering letter to? I have sent a fair few out via SEEK but don't want to just use that as my be-all and end-all, its seems that networking is usually much more effective! I am an Engineering Surveyor if that helps any. If you know of any or even know of mates who I could pass my details on to then I would much appreciate it.


Thanks in advance



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Had no joy from the UK. I am not going till January though so I can understand the lack of responses. Have you tried going on Linkedin, you can network with a few heads on there, alot of agency who are often positive. I am a Site Manager and from what I have been told things will be alot easier upon arrival. Probably end up taking a few backwards though. A friend of friend is a QS for Mirvac, may be need to get on his case. Good luck, when are you going

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi jonleannejack,

Thanks for reply, have taken advice and started a LinkedIn profile. Looks like it will be very useful, we don't have an arrival date as I am looking to get out using the 457 route. We simply can't afford other options at the moment. A lot say just get out there and get a job and if we look as if we are going nowhere that may be an option. Would take some serious nuts though! I will certainly look up Mirvac aswell. If your friend is willing I could email them a cv? Thanks again and good luck with the move prep!

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Hi jonleannejack,

Thanks for reply, have taken advice and started a LinkedIn profile. Looks like it will be very useful, we don't have an arrival date as I am looking to get out using the 457 route. We simply can't afford other options at the moment. A lot say just get out there and get a job and if we look as if we are going nowhere that may be an option. Would take some serious nuts though! I will certainly look up Mirvac aswell. If your friend is willing I could email them a cv? Thanks again and good luck with the move prep!



Wish you luck with it all, keep persevering. I will let you know how I get on and vice versa. We are taking a chance and going regardless at the end of January. If I ever get hold of him I will let you know. It is a relative of an old friend so I have never met him and he is proving rather elusive at the minute.

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Guest themanns

There is alot of construction here.. for all trades and levels. It is bit who you know but you just need to get here to try. My husband has work coming out of his ears! They don't just build a show home here, they build show villages! with shops too! Lots of new rail and roads too.

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There is alot of construction here.. for all trades and levels. It is bit who you know but you just need to get here to try. My husband has work coming out of his ears! They don't just build a show home here, they build show villages! with shops too! Lots of new rail and roads too.



Thats good, heard there is loads happening. I need to get to know someone ha ha. It is like that anywhere, since managing sites I have only worked for two companies in 11 years and both were through people i know. What does your husband do if you dont mind me asking.

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Hi eddking2003,


I got a couple of engineering surveyor jobs emailed to me this morning through West Jobs. Have you registered with them and Seek.


I have registered with Seek but certainley not with West Jobs, consider it done though! I find that with the jobs on Seek, many ask for Australian residents only. Would you say it was worth banging in an application anyway or can they be fairly strict with this ruling. i am guessing its down to company preference and the fact that sponsering someone may cause a bit of an HR nightmare!!

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Guest themanns

He does mostly residential house builds and landscaping.. site manager type. The thing is there is quite a criteria for these companies to adhere to when recruiting from abroad and you would prob need a degree too. If you only have life work experience you just need to get here then they will put you on a 3 month trial or something. Most people who get jobs before they come end up wishing they hadn't coz they see something better or more up their street than the one they are lumbered with..potentialy for 4 years if sponsored.. Also you could end up based in a crap area that you hate

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He does mostly residential house builds and landscaping.. site manager type. The thing is there is quite a criteria for these companies to adhere to when recruiting from abroad and you would prob need a degree too. If you only have life work experience you just need to get here then they will put you on a 3 month trial or something. Most people who get jobs before they come end up wishing they hadn't coz they see something better or more up their street than the one they are lumbered with..potentialy for 4 years if sponsored.. Also you could end up based in a crap area that you hate


Hi the manns, Your right, apart from the expense Iam glad I went down the PR route. I currently work for a volume housebuilder also, although I have experience across many sectors. If you hear of anything or have any contacts give me a shout. I have all the usual HNC, NVQ's, ICIOB etc and other Site Management qualies. Cheers

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