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1 week to go....


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and an emotional farewell to my son today who stays in Uk to complete his final year at Uni. However, I look out of the window and what do I see? Rain!! Yes, emotions are running high for me, but I sooooo cannot wait for next Friday. Maybe that's why, maybe it's the guilt that I should be feeling for my son not coming, but actually me being happy to go! Hubby came back Monday and he is struggling with UK big style. 4 months in oz and he feels claustrophobic, hemmed in, irritated at not having space, irritated at the fast pace and the amount of people. Irritated by the weather for summertime.

Out shopping yesterday I bought a poncho. Great he says for Perth winters, but seeing all the winter stuff in stores now and where the heck has our summer been?

1 week today!

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