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Flight advice with 2 kids


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We are heading to Oz in four weeks (can't believe its come round so quickly). But, slightly concerned about our 2 1/2 year old daughter being cooped up for such a long journey -- Glasgow-Dubai, Dubai-Perth with 2 hours between landing and taking off in Dubai.

We have some medication just in case, but I'd prefer not to use it. We also have a 4 month old, but he will be easy compared to our inquisitive, easily bored, energetic wee girl. My concern primarily is that she'll not sit still, want to wander around and get in people's way. We are hoping she will sleep for one of the flights and that in-flight entertainment will help.


We went to Ireland on the ferry recently -- only a two hours crossing, and our normally lovely daughter was a bit of a nightmare.


So, anyone got experience of how best to deal with her? How did you get on with your kids on the flight?




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The best tip I got was.....don't leave your seats with the child during the flight (obviously with the exception of using the loo).I know that sounds crazy but if the child realises there's a whole world outside your little row of seats, she'll want to spend the whole flight exploring it, which means you'll probably walk to Oz instead of sit and fly! We flew Dublin-Dubai and Dubai-Perth. The second flight is obviously the harder one, she wouldn't sleep for the first 7 hours. We gave her some Calpol but it did nothing.


We packed a bag full of goodies and produced one thing every hour or so to keep her interested. Etch a sketch, crayons and colouring, books, smoothie pouches, rice cakes, fruit.


Emirates are brill by the way, so patient and they gave her a little backpack with goodies in it too. There's good kids in flight entertainment too.

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Guest racheldarkesouthwood

We've always found that somehow kids know how to behave on flights, like in church! It's weird. When they were little, I used to wrap individual toys up in wrapping paper - one for each hour, like books, something small... And then every hour they got to unwrap something new to play with, like a lucky dip.. Also, buy as much as you can to eat at the airport - stuff the healthy eating thing for one day. We also always take it in turns to nap and be on duty - so two hours on, two hours off. It's what the pilot do on these long flights, after all! Piccolo is right - Emirates are great. Two hours isn't long in Dubai, so get to your gate and keep moving. Let her ride up and down the moving walkways and stuff...

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Thanks for your replies. We will keep her in her seat and use non-healthy bribes and a variety of toys. I never really sleep on long haul flights, so no doubt I'll be on duty a lot. If all else fails it's the dreaded Phenergan...probably for me.




All the best


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Guest racheldarkesouthwood

Phenergan can make them go hyper, remember. Not what you want! I would go the Medised route instead - it's paracetemol based so not completely arbitary (sore ears on take off etc). No shame in giving a dose of that, at all. I think the reality will be better than you are imagining, but I guess it's best to be prepared! You will also find that other passengers, especially insomniacs, will help. On our last flight here, I ended up with about six kids, playing and keeping them entertained. We made dens and everything while their parents slept!

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Phenergan can make them go hyper, remember. Not what you want! I would go the Medised route instead - it's paracetemol based so not completely arbitary (sore ears on take off etc). No shame in giving a dose of that, at all. I think the reality will be better than you are imagining, but I guess it's best to be prepared! You will also find that other passengers, especially insomniacs, will help. On our last flight here, I ended up with about six kids, playing and keeping them entertained. We made dens and everything while their parents slept!


Phenergan is defo a last resort. I'm a pharmacist, so don't really want to give meds unnecessarily. I don't think the incidence of paradoxical hyperactivity is that high, but certainly wouldn't want to be on the end of that! Medised can also have the same problem tho as it also contains a drowsy antihistamine. As you say tho, things might all be OK.


Sounds like I need you on the flight to make the dens!




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Guest racheldarkesouthwood

Oops. I'm also from a family of medics - sorry to tell you how to suck an egg! I think the thing to do is accept that you're going to feel knackered and crap for a few days, and do everything you can to minimise the impact on them... I find that they don't get jet lag, which is weird! Are you arriving morning or late night? That makes a difference, too.

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Oops. I'm also from a family of medics - sorry to tell you how to suck an egg! I think the thing to do is accept that you're going to feel knackered and crap for a few days, and do everything you can to minimise the impact on them... I find that they don't get jet lag, which is weird! Are you arriving morning or late night? That makes a difference, too.



We arrive at 5:30pm, we hope she'll sleep on the second flight, which I reckon takes off around 11pm UK time (I think), but with time differences anything could happen. The only good thing is that with a 3 month old we are used to sleep deprivation ;-)

Can't wait to get there now.



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Guest racheldarkesouthwood

OK *that* flight. We had that this time. Try to stay awake if you can. Hang it out til bedtime! I really wouldn't worry - adrenalin and excitement will get you through. If you haven't already done it, just a word - the journey from the airport to anywhere is not lovely - it is NOT representative of Perth at all! Where are you staying?

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OK *that* flight. We had that this time. Try to stay awake if you can. Hang it out til bedtime! I really wouldn't worry - adrenalin and excitement will get you through. If you haven't already done it, just a word - the journey from the airport to anywhere is not lovely - it is NOT representative of Perth at all! Where are you staying?


Good plan, will try to stay awake then hopefully all will be well. Got a 6 week rental in Kinross, then hope to get longer term in Currambine, Kinross, Connolly type of areas.

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Cool! Well, I wish you all success! I'm envious - I wish i had brought my children up here



Thanks. Lot of work to do when we get there -- on a business visa, so I've got to set up/buy a business. A lot of challenges, but very exciting.


Thanks for your help, all the best


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I've managed a few long haul flights with my 2 energetic boys and I've always kept them awake as long as possible prior to flying, spent a couple of hours reading/playing/ watching TV then brush their teeth and put some pj's on them to prepare them for sleep ( then they've always slept for a good 6-9hrs ). The stop over will break up your flight and she may even have a power nap on the short stint of your flight....

Good luck :-)

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