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byford quarantine and dog excercise


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Hi, I have read some posts about hiring a dog walker to visit your dog while in byford for the 30 days quarantine. When in kennels here in the UK dogs are exercised every day so I emailed byford to see what they do and what a dog walker could do. The email I got back says that depending on time restraints and work load they will try to get any unvisited dogs out of their kennels at least twice a week ????. Our boy will be climbing the walls if he cant get to run around every day!. They say we, or a dog walker, can only visit Monday, Tuesday or Friday between 11.30 and 12.30 am which as we will both be working wont be easy so it looks like we will need a dog walker. Does anyone have any experience of this or can you recommend a dog walker ?

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www.dogwalks.com.au speak to karen , we used them its not that much considering what your already outlaying and it's an extra tuzz and a bit more attention whilst they are in alcatraz .

Just kidding, its Quarantine so basically they can't go out , but they cope better than we do :) honest i was a basket case when my dog came out , he came ahead of us .. they email you pictures and updates etc .

Edited by jackboots
added on :)
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Do you happen to know whether if you do visit them during these hours there is anywhere you can exercise them out of their kennel? My dog is likely going to be there over christmas poor thing. I can't work out whether it would upset him more if I visited him and then left him again, or whether to just leave him with them for the duration? He's a greyhound/saluki cross and is used to two walks a day, and he tends to lose an awful lot of weight in kennels.



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Do you happen to know whether if you do visit them during these hours there is anywhere you can exercise them out of their kennel? My dog is likely going to be there over christmas poor thing. I can't work out whether it would upset him more if I visited him and then left him again, or whether to just leave him with them for the duration? He's a greyhound/saluki cross and is used to two walks a day, and he tends to lose an awful lot of weight in kennels.



My dog was in doing hard time last xmas, its not a good time as they have restricted hours over xmas, we went to visit every day we could and take her out of the kennel and into one of the grassed areas for a run, but you have to book, its well worth visiting your dog, it gives them hope, and dont forget the munchies and toys, we found roo jerky went down well, dog was too busy chewing to notice us dissapear, Carol and the staff at Byford are wonderfull, they will take good care of your pooch, but you have to go visit, they do take them out for walks but they are so busy and they cant mix the dogs so time limit is restricted in the pens, they have seperate pens for the visitors takeing dogs out, hence you have to book, if you cant get a pen, book the dog wash, anything to get your pooch out of the kennel for an hour.

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Our dog will be at Byford and while we were worried about visits and such, we now feel that miss her as we will, she will possibly cope better not having the visits which will excite her to then have to leave her again. It'll be a tough 30 days, but we think its best for her to be reunited once and for all.

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