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Help with school yrs

The Brownsx5

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We are in the middle of sorting out our visa's, I have tried to work out the school years for each of my children, The company OH is going to work for are hoping to have us out in Oct. I have 3 little treasures :biglaugh:no1 has just finished yr10 here he was 15 in feb then there's no2 he was 12 in may and last but by no means least is no3 she was 10 in July. Everything I look at makes it as clear as mud :wacko:so im hoping someone on here will be able to clarify this for me :notworthy:

thank you :wubclub:

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Can help with the school year your daughter will be in, she will be in year 4 for a term before moving up to year 5 in 2013. I am not 100% sure with your sons, but think your 12 yr old will do a term of year 7 and move to year 8 in 2013 (government high schools currently start in year 8 from 2015 they will start in year 7) depending on the school your son may do a term back in primary. I believe your 15 yr old will do a term of year 10 and move up to year 11 in 2013.

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Hi there..in WA they start Pre-primary in the January of the year they are five years of age, on or before the 30th June..so your No 1 son will be in Yr 10 if you arrive in Oct..No 2 son will be in Yr 7 & your daughter will be in Yr 4, remembering their new school year will start in Feb..hope this helps & the very best to you and your family...:wink:



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The school may move them into a different year group depending on what their levels are- school start age is older here. Best to check out with the school first as if you come in oct they will have 1 term before school finishes for summer and you don't want them jumping up a year level firm 2013 after making friends- email the school :-)

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