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Selling UK house from Australia

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We will be renting out our house in Glasgow when we move to Perth next month, but our ultimate aim is to sell it when the market picks up. Has anyone sold their UK property while they were in a different country? I am considering giving my solicitor limited power of attorney to enable him to sign the contract (in the event we eventually get a buyer), but is this really necessary?




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Your solicitor should actually advise regarding this I would imagine





He suggested it a while back, but no doubt there would be a fee for setting it up and then one when he acted on my behalf. Just trying to avoid unnecessary expenses ;-)




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Sounds like a plan. I'll probably just do that.





I'd love to hear how you get on as we may have to do the same. We thought we would be sold by now, but nothings happened. We may be forced to move without having sold the house, so need to explore opotions.


Anyone got any views on selling a house with no furniture in it ? If we have to move we'll need our furniture, but an empty house always makes rooms feel smaller and could put people off.

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We sold ours from here , after renting it for two and a half years .. not that bad .. estate agents did the viewings , we had a solicitor and just did it all through e mails and air mail (n registered post ).. the only bad thing was it sat empty for a few months and we had to beg family to go and do the gardening etc :)

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I'd love to hear how you get on as we may have to do the same. We thought we would be sold by now, but nothings happened. We may be forced to move without having sold the house, so need to explore opotions.


Anyone got any views on selling a house with no furniture in it ? If we have to move we'll need our furniture, but an empty house always makes rooms feel smaller and could put people off.


Well, we've started getting rid of some of our furniture and rooms look bigger! Property programmes amaze me. I am astounded that people need to see a bed in a room to know it can be used as a bedroom. Are people really that unimaginative? We've had some weird comments from viewers about our (clearly lovely!) house. One person thought the garden was too small despite the fact it is the largest in the street and is a good size. One viewer didn't like the position of the house in the street although it's South facing and only difference is it isn't overlooked by another house. Did they not check a map before coming to visit? And why do people come to view a house when they can't afford it, still have theirs to sell, or don't want one in this area? Viewers are weird. Not only that they also turn up very late or don't turn up at all.


Ahh that feels better.



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