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Fly to Perth in two weeks!

Guest Katie b

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Guest Katie b

Hi everyone!


Myself and fiancé are flying out to Perth on September 12th, and are looking to make new friends. Dustin has a job with western power as a linesman. If there is anyone out there that would like to meet up please contact us :)

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Guest Katie b

I've not found any work yet either,I think I might find it difficult as I'm a secondary on dustins 457. I guess it will give me time to settle in. We're flying from Manchester with emirates. I'm not looking forward to the flight,I think it's about 18hours :( are you all packed up and ready to go? The relocation people are coming to pack up our house on the 10th so it's all feeling last minute at the moment. I'm sure it will be worth it when we got to oz. are you planning on living in Perth.?

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Not shipping anything, as my furniture was, so old that probably wouldn't have survived the journey, we are just about all packed. We have been staying with my mum since the end of July to save money. We are also flying with Emirates, but from Gatwick, we have an evening flight. I am hoping, that I won't have too much problem getting work, luckily both myself and my daughter have Aussie Passports. Planning on living Belmont, Cloverdale as hoping my daughter will go to the same Catholic Primary as her cousin and those areas are fairly near to the school.

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Hi there,


Not sure where you are going to be living when you move out here, but if you fancy meeting up when you get here just let me know.

We moved out from Manchester in Dec 2011 and love it, live in Highgate so pretty near to the CBD.

Also don't worry about the flight we flew Emirates from Manchester and the flight was fine...I watched films on the 1st leg and then slept the 2nd leg.

Good luck with the move :biggrin:

Hi everyone!


Myself and fiancé are flying out to Perth on September 12th, and are looking to make new friends. Dustin has a job with western power as a linesman. If there is anyone out there that would like to meet up please contact us :)

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Guest Katie b
Hi there,


Not sure where you are going to be living when you move out here, but if you fancy meeting up when you get here just let me know.

We moved out from Manchester in Dec 2011 and love it, live in Highgate so pretty near to the CBD.

Also don't worry about the flight we flew Emirates from Manchester and the flight was fine...I watched films on the 1st leg and then slept the 2nd leg.

Good luck with the move :biggrin:


Hi! We will be living in perth initially whilst dustin does his training approx 1month, then moving to geraldton. Have heard a few bad things about gero but life is what you make of it so I'm going open minded. It would be great to meet up with you and also Aussie mel. How have you found adjusting to life down under? I'm hoping my home sickness will not last too long. We are packing up our home and shipping it all, as I've heard things are a but more expensive over there; hoping my washing machine and fridge/freezer work as they are nearly new. We can always start to replace things once we've settled down with bills. Do you have any advice about renting property? If we should bring our old tenancy agreement from the uk etc? Thank you for messaging me, hope to see you down under soon x

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Guest Katie b

I leave Manchester on September 12th at 14.10 and arrive in Perth September 13th after17.00 I'm not sure where in Perth we will be staying, but I will let yo know once I have had confirmation from the relocation people. Hopefully the flight will pass quickly. Already loading the iPad with books :) its good that you have some family out there, you must be looking forward to seeing them again :) xx my email is Katie.bickerton@yahoo.co.uk if you ever want to talk.

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Hi! We will be living in perth initially whilst dustin does his training approx 1month, then moving to geraldton. Have heard a few bad things about gero but life is what you make of it so I'm going open minded. It would be great to meet up with you and also Aussie mel. How have you found adjusting to life down under? I'm hoping my home sickness will not last too long. We are packing up our home and shipping it all, as I've heard things are a but more expensive over there; hoping my washing machine and fridge/freezer work as they are nearly new. We can always start to replace things once we've settled down with bills. Do you have any advice about renting property? If we should bring our old tenancy agreement from the uk etc? Thank you for messaging me, hope to see you down under soon x

Hi there,

Life down under is great....it is different from the UK...but in a good way, things just take a while to happen so you just have to get used to a slower pace of life in some respects, but don't get me wrong there is plenty to keep you occupied over here, it's def not dull!

We didn't ship anything, mainly because we let our house in Manchester out Fully Furnished so I can't really tell you about the cost of white goods and we have a part furnished apartment here so it had white goods included :) but other things seem expensive when you 1st get over here because you translate them all in to £ but you will get paid in $ so the sooner you can think of $ the easier it is.

I would def bring your current rental agreement and if possible ask the owner or agent to write you a ref before you come over to say you've been a fab tennant and always paid on time etc etc. Renting is competitive over here but you will be able to find somewhere that you love, just don't be put off by the number of people that go to the viewings. At the viewing for the apartment we are in now about 20 people turned up but only 2 put in applications?!?!?

Good Luck with the big move and I'll email you both with my email address and if you need any more info or whatever just shout :)

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