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Schools in Perth


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Maybe I should post a thread under the Education section to get some responses as my attempts to get some answers for the schools related questions failed when I tried posting it under Welcome to Perth section.


Would be great if I can get help on the below as I'm struggling to find a suburb with good schools.


1. Can I know the top 5 best primary and secondary schools in Perth and the suburbs they are located. It would be great if I can find a suburb where there is a good primary as well as secondary schools as my first one will soon be going to secondary while the second one will just start her primary. Also, I would like my daughters to grow up in a co-education schools (not a girls school).


2. If based on your suggestion, I narrow down on a suburb (say Shenton Park) , would I be able to get admission in the Rosalie Primary school and Shenton College easily or admission is not guaranteed even if I stay in that suburb ? This is important as it could spoil the whole purpose of moving to that suburb.


3. In some suburbs (like Booragoon), there is a good primary school (Booragoon Primary School) but no secondary school. In this case, do I need to send my first one to other suburb ? And if I do, will it affect the admission for her in that school as she is not from the suburb of the school ?


These are the questions for which I really really want to know the answers and it would be of great help if I get some details on this.

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Ok - have a look at this - http://www.curriculum.wa.edu.au/internet/Publications/Reports/Statistical_Reports/School_Comparison_Statistics'>http://www.curriculum.wa.edu.au/internet/Publications/Reports/Statistical_Reports/School_Comparison_Statistics

It's the Curriculum council school comparison stats that they publish every year. Top 50 schools are listed - look under schools achieving 75% over on WACE Stage 3 exams (page 15). First co-ed school is Willeton at number 10. It's a govt school. Other gvot schools that do well - Shenton College, Rossmoyne and Chrchlands. John XXIII is the only co-ed private school in top 15, it's in Mt Claremont and Catholic. You don't have to be a Catholic to go there but it is unlikely to be space.

Most of the school in the western suburbs are fine - Rosalie is fine, as is Subiaco Primary and Nedlands Primary (which is great for music). They are all in the catchment area for Shenton College - which is a great, co-ed Govt school.

The way to check out a primary is to go to the my school website - http://www.myschool.edu.au/

Put in the school and look at the 'results in numbers ' graph. If it has any red it means the school is performing below average - green is above and dark green really good! You'll find most of the Western suburbs schools are green.

John XXIII is the only coed school in the western suburbs. Other coed private schools on the top 50 list - Sacred Heart (Hilarys) and Chisohlm (Mt lawley) - both Catholic fee paying. Carmel (Private Jewish Dianela), Ursula Frayne (private Catholic Victoria Park) St Stephens (private anglican (?) Carramar NOR,) and John Curtin - Govt Fremantle.


Not sure what the feeder school for Booragoon is (Como or Applecross high may be? Both OK but not in the top 20). For the top govt schools you have to live in the catchment area. The high school would be able to tell you the primary schools it he area - or the dept of ed web site.


Hope that helps.

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Do remember as well that statistics can be fudged a little. My daughter (in year 12) says some schools don't encourage some of their students to sit exams to keep their marks high. It's a strange system here in that marks get scaled up or down depending on what everyone else does.

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That shows up in the stats though. They list how many are doing stage 1,2,3 and it is generally the ones with the highest Stage 3 kids that are highest on the list. All the best schools have over 50% doing stage 3. Compare the like of Hale (private boys schools) where over 80% do stage 3, to Gimore College in Kwinana where 8% do them. So for these stats it's in the school best interests to have as many as possible doing ths harder courses. I would pick a school where at least 50% of year 12's are going for stage 3 if you could.

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Thanks a lot all for your information...However, I still wanted to know the below.

1. How do I findout exactly what is the catchment area if I'm interested in a particular school ?

2. If I stay in that catchment area , is it GUARANTEED that I will get a seat in that school or is it still subject to availability ?


If you are in catchment the school has to take you. To find out catchment areas, look at the individual schools website or call the school you are interested in.

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Thanks Arwen, that really will help.


Now, I'm interested in settling down in the Rockingham, Warnbro, Balvidis, Secret Harbour, Port Kennedy , Shoal water area (any one of them). Can I know if there is any good school in these areas (decent one , not necessarily top most) ? Any suggestion would really help.


Most suburbs have at least 1 primary school. Take a look at google maps to see the names of the ones in those areas. High Schools are a gamble anywhere. Your choice down that area are: Warnbro SHS, Rockingham SHS, Safety Bay SHS, Comet Bay SHS. I can't comment on any of them as I don't live there. http://www.myschool.edu.au/ is a website that gives information on schools. Check out the NAPLAN scores for these schools. Anything red in the numbers is not good. White and green are better. I had a quick look and based on results Comet Bay is your best bet. Good luck.

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Is there any fixed fee the private schools charge or is it a variable one and different schools charge differently. In that case, can someone give rough idea about how much it would cost for me to send my daughter(s) to private school ?


Kolbe Catholic College which you mentioned is $2994 annual tuition fee & around $1100 in compulsory levies and ancillary charges

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Kolbe Catholic College which you mentioned is $2994 annual tuition fee & around $1100 in compulsory levies and ancillary charges


Thanks a lot. So that means it comes to $4000 per annum per child. So for two kids I need to pay 8k. I hear that if you admit 2 kids the schools will usually charge less ...Is this is the case with all schools or it's up to the school's discretion. The charges certainly look alarming if it comes to around $800 per month for the fees (for 2).

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Thanks a lot. So that means it comes to $4000 per annum per child. So for two kids I need to pay 8k. I hear that if you admit 2 kids the schools will usually charge less ...Is this is the case with all schools or it's up to the school's discretion. The charges certainly look alarming if it comes to around $800 per month for the fees (for 2).



$720 of the compulsory levies are per family so you wouldn't pay that for a second. Child. There's also a 15% discount on tuition fees for a second child, so that would make it around $585 per month.

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$720 of the compulsory levies are per family so you wouldn't pay that for a second. Child. There's also a 15% discount on tuition fees for a second child, so that would make it around $585 per month.


Thanks a lot for this information. This gives me an idea on how much I would need to spend if I prefer Rockingham. But I think Kolbe is basically for secondary education and at the moment my kids are still primary. So I think I need to put them in Star of the Sea Catholic Primary school. Do you have any idea about it by any chance ?

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