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Baldivis area


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Hi me and my family arrived in Baldivis on the 31st August and are looking at securing a long term rental in the area. So are now looking at the primary schools, can anyone give us any help on them, especially Baldivis Primary and Makybe Rise Primary as nearly all the rentals we have looked at have been in the catchment area for one of these schools. There don't seem to be any rentals in the catchment area for Settlers. Also is it worth having a look at Tranby? What are the fees like?

My daughter is 8 and my son is 4 so we are looking for other families to meet up with and make friends, i am 35 and will be a stay at home mum and my OH 39 will be working in Bentley for Western Power.





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Hi Kate, welcome to Baldivis!


Both those schools are well thought of as far as I know, as are Settlers and Tranby (not sure about the fees for Tranby but I think they are listed onthe website).


I have seen quite a lot of rentals in the Settlers catchment area, though maybe not as many as in the other catchments - Settlers is a more established area so it doesn't have all the building work going on, that will be why there are fewer rentals popping up.


It's a lovely place to live, if you want to chat or want any info, feel free to drop me a PM. The weather is just starting to warm up so you have arrived at a great time. :-)

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Guest garyheidi7

Hi Kate, I've Just come across this thread, I posted on here earlier on a different thread about meeting up with other new comers, im sure i saw your name on there. I have been in Baldivis since July and moved into a rental in Baldivis north 6 weeks ago my children go to Baldivis primary which is a great school, it has a nice friendly feel about it and all my children's teachers are great, we can walk there in two minutes which we are loving no hassle of parking, my youngest son is 4 and will go to kindy in feb, I'm also a stay at home mum. Would love to meet up for coffee if your interested, could do with some conversation other than with my 4 year old haha! I'm 36 my hubby is 37 and an electrician. Where in Baldivis north have you rented if you don't mind me asking?

Hope to hear from you soon


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