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RSMS visa

Guest Nee

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Just thought I'd put the question out there if anyone is currently going through application for the RSMS visa in Perth? The sister site poms in oz seems to be mainly applicants over East.



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Yes it was for the Perth office, we are off shore. Applied for a RSMS 187 visa last Friday DRC. Agent also gives the government party line of 5-7 months because they are regulated by them so cant deviate from that. However my Recruitment agent suggests that it could be quicker (4-5 weeks) not sure how true that is but im clinging to it for dear life as we have sold our house and have to move out in 4 weeks. Pooping ourselves!!

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Guest raveenasultan

Hi, I'm looking at applying for this visa in a year or so (hopefully, if it's still available)! I would love for you to keep me posted on here as to how the process is for you please? :cute:

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There seems to be a lot more on poms in oz site for this visa but it's mainly for over east applications and Victoria so difficult to understand Perth timelines. I'll keep you all posted too.

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Guest raveenasultan

May I ask what occupations some of you guys are in? I'm in the childcare sector, so will be looking for sponsorship in childcare settings (Daycare, Early learning centres) throughout regional WA :cute:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,


Movement on the visa front. Timeline so far:


Submitted Subclass 187 Visa Application via agent (Nomination was previously lodged and approved): 7 September 2012

Acknowledgement letter: 18 September 2012

Medicals requested: 10 October 2012

Case officer assigned: Not yet known





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Still no news at my end....still waiting for the nominated to come back approved! Emailed our agent today so hopefully he'll have an update for us as our 6 months working on our WHV expires in the next few weeks!

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Hi all,


Further movement on the visa front. Timeline so far:


Submitted Subclass 187 Visa Application via agent (Nomination was previously lodged and approved): 7 September 2012

Acknowledgement letter: 18 September 2012

Medicals requested: 10 October 2012

Case officer assigned: 10 October 2012

Additional documents requested: 11 October 2012





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Things seems to be moving forward pretty quick for you! Nice one!


Our agent contact immi for the niominated and advised they are working on end if August....our was submitted 3rd sep so hopefully not much onager until we hear and then the waiting game for a CO.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've no idea what is going on with mine then! I've been waiting aaages. I'm in Perth applying for the 857 as a cook.


RCB applied for: Mid April

RCB approval: 15th May

Nomination submitted via agent but not with a DRC (sore point between the agent and I): 23rd May

Visa application submitted: 10 June

Ack letter stating date of receipt as 13 June came first week July.

CO not yet allocated

Grant? God knows when.


After four years as a temp resident, I hope they get a wiggle on. My mental health isn't inexhaustible.

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  Nee said:
Things seems to be moving forward pretty quick for you! Nice one!


Our agent contact immi for the niominated and advised they are working on end if August....our was submitted 3rd sep so hopefully not much onager until we hear and then the waiting game for a CO.


The official line on the website is that Perth is now processing applications from March 13th. Ive no idea when that was posted, mind. Yours was DRC right?

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  kittyb said:
The official line on the website is that Perth is now processing applications from March 13th. Ive no idea when that was posted, mind. Yours was DRC right?


I just meant working in end of August RCB's not applications. Think your right in saying they are working on March. Although speaking with our agent today he advised it makes no difference submitting as DRC or non DRC as immi system is not differentiating the difference, I also saw this posted on PIO site.

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