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Moving to Perth Dec 2012


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Hi Everyone,


Just joined this site so new to it all... My family are moving to Perth from the UK at the beginning of December. My husband has secured a job on a 457 visa, we have 3 children (8, 3 and 1) and would love to chat to anyone whose settled or moving over too! I have so much to sort out, with cars / renting / schools etc any advice would be much appreciated.



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Hi and congrats

In some respects youve done the easy bit now comes the hard bit:shocked:. Come the start of Dec you will be:wacko: lol

Seriously it will all come together somehow in the nick of time. Ive been here 7 weeks now, my OH on a 457 too, no young kids just a 16 and 18 year old. I had never been to Oz before but Perth is a lovely easy place to settle. Plenty for all the family to do. If you need to know anything specific just ask, someone will know the answer. Again congrats

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We too are hoping to move over in December if all goes well with the house sale!!!

Which area are you going to?

We are a family of 3 (4 including our dog) myself (34), my OH (39) & our little boy (2.5).

We got our 176 visa last year and are looking at moving SOR we're just trying to find a rental at the moment but can't book anything definite until the house sale goes through also have to tie our flights in with the dog so that he's not in quarantine for too long!

You're lucky that your husband has a job secured. What does he do? My OH is a plumber/gas engineer, he will have to do some gap training when he gets there to get his license & then try to find a job!!! We've been out already a couple of times & each time the work front hasn't looked too good so we're just going to take the risk. If we keep waiting to hear that it's picked up then I don't think we'll ever take the plunge!

Have you been out there before?

If your looking for rentals try realestate.com.au or ozhouserentals if your looking for holiday rentals try Stayz.com.au



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Guest jodi25noodles

Hi Jenny,


My husband is already in perth at the moment we also follow him me and 2 children 13 and 6 plus dog in december on a 457 visa. Really nervous and excited about the new life more that the kids settle in well.



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Thank you all, had a slight panic last night on cost of living etc and whether we would actually be any better off, but at least we'll be warmer :-) Hubby will be travelling but mostly in based in Henderson, not sure where to live yet, hopefully near the beach and good state primary school. Thanks again.

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