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Meet friends/find playgroups in Port Kennedy

Steve and Paula

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Hi there,

We have been in Perth since Aug 12th and have just secured a rental in Port Kennedy. What a process that was!! Our sea container was supposed to arrive yesterday but was re-routed to Melbourne so we're looking at another 2 - 3 weeks before finally settling in our own place with our own furniture again.


Just wanted to see if there were any families in the Port Kennedy area looking to meet up and get the kids together? We have a 5 year old son and two year old daughter. Unfortunately there is a waiting list for kindy so it looks like my son has to wait until Feb to start pre-primary. I am hoping to find someone with kids similar age to help keep him from going completely bored!


Hope to hear from someone so I can start meeting people and get to feeling like this just isn't a long vacation we're on.




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Guest garyheidi7

Hi Paula, Kate, and the waltons, I would love to meet up one morning for coffee or trip to the park, I live in baldivis, have been here since July, so would like to start meeting some other mums, just me and my 4 year old boy while the others are in school.

hope to hear from you soon

Heidi (36)

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Hi The Waltons, Kate and Heidi,

Thanks for your replies! Glad to know we're not the only ones looking for friends. The kids and I could drive down one morning next week (not Tuesday) for a playdate in a park somewhere. We're coming from South Perth so since most of you are in Baldivis can you recommend a park there? Obviously we'll have to pick a day the weather looks good for this. Send me a private message with your email or mobile #'s and then I'll send you mine.

Talk soon.


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Hello All

We are in Baldivis Central and been here since June. I have a 5 year old daughter and 2 year old little boy. Those first few months are a bit crazy but things are settling down now - just our dog is in quarantine so once he is with us, we will be all together.

I would like to meet up too...so let us know if anything is planned. We are always looking round for new playgrounds...I know a few in baldivis but always on the lookout for the 'perfect playground'!!


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Guest garyheidi7
Hi The Waltons, Kate and Heidi,

Thanks for your replies! Glad to know we're not the only ones looking for friends. The kids and I could drive down one morning next week (not Tuesday) for a playdate in a park somewhere. We're coming from South Perth so since most of you are in Baldivis can you recommend a park there? Obviously we'll have to pick a day the weather looks good for this. Send me a private message with your email or mobile #'s and then I'll send you mine.

Talk soon.


Hi, Kate, patsy, Paula, and the waltons,

I have pm you all so maybe we can all meet up together next week sometime.


Look forward to meeting up.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest Kelly Calrke 7
Hi there,

We have been in Perth since Aug 12th and have just secured a rental in Port Kennedy. What a process that was!! Our sea container was supposed to arrive yesterday but was re-routed to Melbourne so we're looking at another 2 - 3 weeks before finally settling in our own place with our own furniture again.


Just wanted to see if there were any families in the Port Kennedy area looking to meet up and get the kids together? We have a 5 year old son and two year old daughter. Unfortunately there is a waiting list for kindy so it looks like my son has to wait until Feb to start pre-primary. I am hoping to find someone with kids similar age to help keep him from going completely bored!


Hope to hear from someone so I can start meeting people and get to feeling like this just isn't a long vacation we're on.







We have recently moved to Australia, and are staying in brisbane at the moment, BUt my husband has been offered work in Port kennedy. Was just wanting some feel for how the family life is in the area. We have two children and are expecting our third in feb. Would love to hear how you are finding it in pk.




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Hi Kelly,We have been in Port kennedy for 6 weeks now I guess and we love it! It's quiet, not so crazy busy like in Perth, gorgeous beaches, great parks, school, etc. Is there anything specific you would like to know about? Send me a pm and we can chat. Has your husband accepted the job offer and if so, when are you coming over? Congrats on the upcoming special arrival!Hope to hear from you soon.Paula

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Guest Kellyjoy

Hi I moved here 18 days ago with 4 kids, 3 are teens and they are desperate to meet other kids, they tried to go to the skate park near our house but got told to o away by bigger boys. I'm missing my girl friends from the uk. I live in butler and I'm from Essex.

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Guest Kelly Calrke 7

HI Paula


Thanks for getting back to me. Dont really want to know anything specific, just want to make sure kids are gonna be happy. My husband has accepted the job in port kennedy, and we have to be there before the end of Jan. We are looking to make the move first week of Jan though, if all goes to plan. We have been in Brisbane now for +-6 months and have not really enjoyed it or made many friends. Could not even find a play group in the area for kids, so really happy I found this site. Not sure how to PM you but will try figure this site out.

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Guest Kelly Calrke 7

HI Kate


We are going to be moving to port kennedy area in Jan, I have a 3 year old son and a 2 year old daughter, would be really lovely to meet up when we get there.



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HI Paula


Thanks for getting back to me. Dont really want to know anything specific, just want to make sure kids are gonna be happy. My husband has accepted the job in port kennedy, and we have to be there before the end of Jan. We are looking to make the move first week of Jan though, if all goes to plan. We have been in Brisbane now for +-6 months and have not really enjoyed it or made many friends. Could not even find a play group in the area for kids, so really happy I found this site. Not sure how to PM you but will try figure this site out.


How old are your kids? I'm checking out a Playgroup this Thurs for the first time and there's another I'm going to go to next week as well. That sucks you couldn't find one there. I'll try to PM you as well.


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Guest Kelly Calrke 7
How old are your kids? I'm checking out a Playgroup this Thurs for the first time and there's another I'm going to go to next week as well. That sucks you couldn't find one there. I'll try to PM you as well.



My son is 3 and my daughter is 1 and a half. Please let me know how the playgroup goes, would be so lovely to go to one again.



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  • 4 weeks later...
My son is 3 and my daughter is 1 and a half. Please let me know how the playgroup goes, would be so lovely to go to one again.



Hi Kelly,

hope you had a great Christmas! The Playgroup was great and I've since gotten together with a woman I met there and her two young boys. Seems like a nice group of women with kids ranging from only a few months to school age. Definitely stay in touch. Have you found a rental or will you wait until arriving? I assume it would be much easier to do once you're here.

looking forward to meeting in the new year.


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Hi Paula,


I hope you dont mind me asking what playgroup's there are to go to around port kennedy area? I have arrived from scotland 5weeks ago and have been trying to find some to take my 2 kids. (aged 3 and 18months) I have been taking them to Chipmunks but would like to find something that's smaller for them to get to meet other kids and for me to chat to other mums:-)


Thanks Ruth:wubclub:



Hi Kelly,

hope you had a great Christmas! The Playgroup was great and I've since gotten together with a woman I met there and her two young boys. Seems like a nice group of women with kids ranging from only a few months to school age. Definitely stay in touch. Have you found a rental or will you wait until arriving? I assume it would be much easier to do once you're here.

looking forward to meeting in the new year.


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Hi Paula,


I hope you dont mind me asking what playgroup's there are to go to around port kennedy area? I have arrived from scotland 5weeks ago and have been trying to find some to take my 2 kids. (aged 3 and 18months) I have been taking them to Chipmunks but would like to find something that's smaller for them to get to meet other kids and for me to chat to other mums:-)


Thanks Ruth:wubclub:

Hi Ruth,

i have only gone to St Bernadette's once before the Christmas/school holidays started and quite enjoyed it. Would you like to meet up with myself, my 5 year old son and 2 year old daughter? We'd love to meet new people. We've been here a few months and am trying to meet new people as well.

let me know.


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Sounds like a great idea :smile: I have Chloe 3 and Arran 18months. My husband works away so am free anytime to meet up. Would you like to maybe meet at The indoor play area Chipmunks one day since it's HOT HOT outside Lol


I have a Facebook page & go on the Poms in Perth page if you wanted to add me I'll PM you :-)





Hi Ruth,

i have only gone to St Bernadette's once before the Christmas/school holidays started and quite enjoyed it. Would you like to meet up with myself, my 5 year old son and 2 year old daughter? We'd love to meet new people. We've been here a few months and am trying to meet new people as well.

let me know.


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Hi Stacey,

how long have you been here and how are you finding it? We've been here since mid August (in Port Kennedy since mid October) and love it down here. We have a 5 year old son and 2 year old daughter and would be up for getting together for a Playdate. Maybe meet at a local park? Send me a PM if you're interested.


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