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AHPRA registration. Help required


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The wife and I are hoping to move to Perth soon. Amanda is a registered nurse in the Uk. The visa application is going through and her qualifications have been accredited by ANMAC. We assume that the next thing to do is to register with AHPRA.


Do we have to wait till the Visa is granted and we've moved over? The application from the website only has an Australian address on it.


Any help would be really appreciated.

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welcome to PP!


no you can apply now but be warned do exactly as they require and request to the letter, otherwise it ill take a very long time.

I can't remember what my wife did I think sent all paperwork off I will find out.


Hi, applying for ahpra was the very first thing I did, I know I needed my ahpra reg to get a job and send the evidence for my visa. It can take up to 6-8 months to get it through depending on which office you send it too, Darwin is quicker but mine took four months still, good luck!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I am not in Perth yet but I will be going through a similar process (British nurse trained in UK moving to Perth from NZ). I would say from what I have researched that Amanda should go ahead and register with APHRA. ...Good luck. Also if this helps register with amazingcareers.co.au and John of God hospital. Also seek.co.nz is a good one..you will be alerted to jobs that suit your requirements. :)

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