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Starting FIFO.

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Hey to those in the loop


I'm starting a 4:1 FIFO role in the coming weeks and I'm starting to fret a bit.

Before we arrived in Perth, working at the mine sites had always been something that I had hoped get a chance to do, the reasons are obvious - money. The idea was to work flat out, sacrifice a lot and work to a financial goal (not huge, just enough to give us a boost) and then establish ourselves nicely here in Australia.


I really like my current job in Perth and the money is pretty average. So now the FIFO opportunity has popped up and at first I was really excited but now starting to question it big time. I have a young family (both girls 4 and 1 yrs old) and its a hectic thought of being away from home for 4 weeks straight. We're already making plans to hire an au pair to help us a bit.


Is anyone here on PP in the same situation? Any advice as to how to go about making that much easier?




Plumber Paul

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Hi mate,

good luck with your new job, I'm sure you will be fine

how can I get you that beer in January if your away !!!

im bricking myself now about our move , I just hope I have the same luck as you in finding work

good luck




Cheers Ian,


Yeah, you've only got about 3 months until you guys arrive. Exciting times eh? I hear mixed reports from people about the work situation here in Perth for plumbers, the ones on PP generally battle and the ones I know personally didn't have any problems. If I were you, I wouldn't stress about it.


I've been in Perth 8 months now and I've had 3 jobs - walked out of the one and straight into another on both occasions. Fortunately my current employer who I'm about to leave has said I must stay in touch for work when I'm finished with this FIFO adventure.


Good luck man

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my hubby is fifo 2 on 1 off and struggles 4 on 1 off is a massive time away from family. by the time you come home and with just 1 week off wont feel like you have been home. good luck any way

just keeping it real sorry


Cheers Elfie,


The 4:1 roster is not a cool one but it has so far been my only opportunity for FIFO so I feel I need to go through with it. I've already started by doing my medical assessment and have a few courses this week ...

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HI PlumberPaul, My husband does 4/1 roster up at Port Hedland and has been for a year now. We have all acclimatised to it now and the kids just make the most of him when he gets home. Yes that week goes fast but then so do the 4 weeks. Because he is mainly Civil and not actual mines..then the chances of changing are slim. You just have to be mindful of the fact that your wife is home for 4 weeks with the kids and working hard to keep the family and home together and so when you come home she needs a break/help too. I am sure you will manage to find another roster once you are settled and have the experience so keep your chin up and just try to think of the benefits.



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Hi Paul


My hubby is a plumber who is into his 2nd week 2:1 FIFO initially he was offered a 4:1 but this one came up sooner and they switched him. We too have been here about a year and he has had 3-4 jobs and left 1 and walked into another within a week.


I work full-time and have 2 kids. The kids look forward to him comming back obviously and im knackered each night but Im starting to get used to it. Im really independant so its not the been alone thing but it can feel kinda quiet at night once the kids are in bed.


You may be tired when you get back or cant wait for the break but as one of the other posters mentioned you wife will be worn out to and definetly need some Me time as long as she /I (ha ha) get a day or so to recharge its all good and Im not soooo grumpy!:arghh:


Good luck definetly give it a try if you dont youll never know!!

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Been FIFO for a fair few years now and have done a raange of rosters. Everything from 7:1 to 1:1. Be aware that the divorce rate on the longer rosters is pretty notorious. I remember being at a conference a few years ago where everyone was FIFO and generally on long rosters and a poll was done on divorce. Out of about 200 of us, not one person was on there first marriage.

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Been FIFO for a fair few years now and have done a raange of rosters. Everything from 7:1 to 1:1. Be aware that the divorce rate on the longer rosters is pretty notorious. I remember being at a conference a few years ago where everyone was FIFO and generally on long rosters and a poll was done on divorce. Out of about 200 of us, not one person was on there first marriage.


Thanks Verystormy,


I am aware of the effects of FIFO on family life. The company that gave me the FIFO job did tell me the 4:1 roster is also known as the marriage breaker. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

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Thanks Verystormy,


I am aware of the effects of FIFO on family life. The company that gave me the FIFO job did tell me the 4:1 roster is also known as the marriage breaker. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.


also means out of sight out of mind

also means missing out on children growing up

also means 4 weeks to catch up on in 1

also means resentment on both parties

also means missing birthdays xmas

the wondering what the one left at home is doing also the reverse as there are women on sit also ............................... [ but you may not know who they are as hubby pointed out lol soz because some look and act like the men but not all]

the list is endless

my hubby is 2 on 1 off i work we have no children and are a more mature couple both strong minded. but its not easy contact is limited to a half hour maybe more skype time depending how tired he is. first 2 days back he is shattered, you travel back and forth to site on YOUR TIME not the companies. i truly believe you will not know the effect until you are actually doing it. dont mean to be disrespectful or negative but the more info you have you still will not be prepared for the shock but good luck any way.

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  • 3 months later...

Well, here I am 3 months later. I'm currently on my 3rd swing up north doing FIFO. The 4:1 roster is pretty hectic, it sometimes feels like a hard long slog especially in the Pilbara heat. I miss my wife and 2 kids a lot but the week that I have back in Perth is very full on and rewarding - good family time. I started working FIFO with a realistic goal in mind and am giving myself a year of this lifestyle. Financially the rewards have been good - take home pay is more than double what I was back in Perth working as a plumber. We have hired a live in au pair to help our family while I'm up here and she proving to be a star.

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  • 1 year later...

Update time.


I quit working up on the mines in January because I had enough of that FIFO lifestyle. I managed to complete 15 months on a 4:1 roster. We accomplished what we set out to do - to buy a house and renovate. Two weeks after arriving back in Perth I landed a permanent plumbing position with a reputable company and am now getting back into the swing of things. Looking back it was a unique experience to live and work up in the Pilbara but there is absolutely no place like home in Perth with my wife and 2 young girls.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Moonpig4

Hi Paul,


Im doing FIFO at bthe moment and its not all its cracked up to be however on a 4-1 roster you wil lbe on good money. If its silly money (+150K) do it, pay mortgsage off and then havce a plan to stop in 4 years or so. Then you will have the difficulty of getting a job back in civilisation all over again.


Good luck but if you want to see your family grow up then you may need to re-consider.


Take care



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People who have done this have commented on the massive impact on the person remaining behind, just things like kids needing to be two places etc., but also after a while that it feels the FIFO worker is just 'vising for a week. Can put a strain on relationships so something to work on to try to ensure it doesn't happen. A neighbours hubby did this for a year and said never again.

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We've been doing a 26.9 swing now currently on the 3rd swing. We have had no issues so far but then I'm independent and so is our 12 year old son. Its probably harder on my OH being away and working in extreme heat. He gets paid exceptionally hansomely for it and when we have our 9 days its like Honeymoon and Christmas all at once. So far so good but early days and we do say one swing at a time.

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We've been doing a 26.9 swing now currently on the 3rd swing. We have had no issues so far but then I'm independent and so is our 12 year old son. Its probably harder on my OH being away and working in extreme heat. He gets paid exceptionally hansomely for it and when we have our 9 days its like Honeymoon and Christmas all at once. So far so good but early days and we do say one swing at a time.


Take it one swing at a time. Do not get reliant on the extra money as you can end up trapped into it and when the day comes that he wants to stop it then causes issues.

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For me,and I don't much! FIFO doesn't really make much sense. You move 9000 miles away from "home" for a better life,a less stressful life and to stop working silly hours because you want to watch your familly grow up and spend more time with them. My little boy is 18 months old next Wed and we really don't know where it's gone!


We could stay here in a nice big bouse with nice big cars and daddy earning nice big money. But in 20 years time will I have spent nice big amounts of time watching him grow........no I will be more knackered and grumpy than now!


It seems you have a choice money or happiness,had one but really really want the other.

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