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Renting and vacating. Professional cleaning

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So our inspection went well. Apart from mould in shower caused by a dripping shower that wont stop dripping!

So, we now, hopefully, have secured our next unfurnished rental. I asked the agent yesterday about cleaning and she said yes, as the standard I did yesterday. Now she is telling my husband we need professional cleaners to clean the oven and 'wet areas' Should I ask for proof of this from the agent to make sure it was done before we moved in, ie a receipt?

Who do I contact for this service if we need to do it?

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Linda@no9, never a truer word was spoken!! We have had any number of professional cleaning companies in to clean our properties. They fall into one of two categories - either they do an ordinary job the first time (in which case, of course, we never use them again) or they do a reasonable job the first time, we get excited, we book them for another property cleaning - and they do an ordinary job!! It is really disheartening.


One example - last time I asked a company to scrub the kitchen and bathroom floors (tiled areas). I specified 'scrubbed', as this was a hands and knees job, and we had another property turnover in the same weekend, so we were flat out. Anyhow I went to check on it, and I'm so glad I did - not only had they obviously not been scrubbed, but there were dirty water marks left all over the tiles. I even took photos (which of course I can't find now!). Yes, so I ended up washing the floors myself and being most annoyed. That's $150 and two hours of my life I'll never get back....and that was just to sort out the floors!


So yes, I agree - the professional cleaners probably won't do as good a job as you would, sadly :confused:

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re windows?


if windows are obstructed by bushes etc and tenant cannot access windows to clean what is the situation there? also these windows have not been cleaned prior to our moving in ?

un removeable fly screens? how do you access the outside to clean that part of the window???

glad the inspection went well linda bet you are relieved.

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Elfie, was this noted on your property inspection report when you moved in? (that the windows were already dirty and/or unaccessible)? I ask because if it was, then you should be fine. In terms of fly screens you can't take out - what I do with ours, if they are in front of a sliding panel, is actually take the window panel out and leave the flyscreen in. Then I wash the window panel and replace. This is often so much easier than trying to remove the screens! My lovely husband managed to break a couple of flyscreen frames doing this, before I started taking out the glass panelled bit. If the flyscreen is fixed in front of a fixed glass panel, well what can you do?! Nothing that I can think of!!


I must admit that having short term properties, I have never expected our tenants to clean windows.... seems awfully unfair if they're only going to be there for three months to expect them to do it!!

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