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Electricity and gas


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Time for a silly question,


Is it the tenants responsibility to notify the relevant utility companies that they are now responsible for the payment? Or does the agent sort this for you?


Just been reading the lease which I am about to sign today and it refers to this, buts it's a generic lease so not sure if I need to do this or now? Is it also really one one gas company and one electricity company in Perth?


Thanks in anticipation of someone asking my question.

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We had to do it ourselves in our rental. Gas with Alinta and Electricity with Synergy.


We were told we had no choice and had to go with them as they supplied it - and when you phone them up you have to pay a charge to take over the supply or something - was about $35 to each supplier - wasn't impressed!

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Time for a silly question,


Is it the tenants responsibility to notify the relevant utility companies that they are now responsible for the payment? Or does the agent sort this for you?


Just been reading the lease which I am about to sign today and it refers to this, buts it's a generic lease so not sure if I need to do this or now? Is it also really one one gas company and one electricity company in Perth?


Thanks in anticipation of someone asking my question.



We used this lot: http://www.connectnow.com.au/




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just make sure you read the meters for gas electricity and the water. there is suppose to be a final read of all the meters but i found out my water meter had not been read for months. imagine the bill i would have had. the amount of mail i get for previous tenants on this property is huge all debts i just keep putting them back in mail box stating no longer residing at this property and return to sender .............

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Thanks everyone, now set up with synergy and Alinta, glad of the connection fee warning as they both charge. How many more hidden fees can I find..today was Internet fees.


Anyway, on meter readings am I supposed to give these now to the utilities people or wait. They didn't ask and I'm not sure how or when they get recorded. Otherwise how do they know what it is at the point you move in?

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  • 2 weeks later...
We used this lot: http://www.connectnow.com.au/





Further to my self satisfied use of the 'connectnow' service a few weeks back, thinking I was very clever at getting everything set up so well in advance, I have to report that I now think they should change their name to 'connectatsomepointhatwontbeconvenient'.

We are due to move into our long term rental tomorrow, but today the telephone line won't be connected, or the broadband or the Foxtel despite the fact all parties involved have known for four weeks about our move in date.

I suggest either not using these muppets, or asking specifics about the process. The problem is that they need to know I live there before they sort out the phoneline. I don't live there until tomorrow, and they need to see a copy of the lease. This was never mentioned until today. So once they get that they can sort out the phone in a few days and then post my modem/routery thing.

Sooo frustrating when I have organised delivery of new sofas, table and other stuff for move in day. Arrggghh.


And I wasn't going to drink tonight...

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