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help, just moved.


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We arrived last Sunday from the uk and we are in Baldivis which we feel is a bit out of the way but we have a 3 month rental here so we will have to put up with it or am I missing something about Baldivis because it seems there's nothing much here other than houses and a small shopping centre. We have 2 boys aged 10 and 7 but we can't put them into school here as we don't plan on staying in Baldivis long term so can't put them in school here until the christmas holidays and then change their school again when we find a long term rental. We have been to Mandurah and we really seemed to like it there where the big marina and play areas are and have viewed a property in Spring medows which was quite nice just to see how the land lies when we are ready to long term rent. Does anybody know any pros/cons about Mandurah or is anybody able to recommend another area we should be looking at because we have only been in this area and we haven't even been north of the river yet. We also need to purchase a car does anybody have any advise on what to look for are things we should know when buying a car or is anybody selling a car near Baldivis? We are still wondering if we have done the right thing moving here at the moment it seems really lonely. My wife had a really bad day on Tuesday and I had a bad day on Wednesday, I got out of bed and nearly phoned England to stop our shipment of furniture comming over and get tickets home, is this a normal way to be feeling in the first week or did everybody else just settle in straight away? If anybody wants to meet up just message me and I'll give you my phone number.

Kind regards


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Ah Jim, I just saw your post and wanted to give a shout out to you and your wife. I'm not a pom but a local (born & bred WA) and yes I would consider Baldivis to be a long way out, if that's any help.

Hang in there! Just remember you have moved halfway around the world, you're disoriented and probably still jetlagged, I would think it's normal to feel all over the place!

I think as well that the fact that Brits and Aussies both speak english is a deceiving thing - you tend to assume that because we share a language, there will be lots of other similarities, but really I think the two cultures are very different, which means you probably feel a bit like a fish out of water.

Anyhow just wanted to say hang in there, it will get better!!

Jen :)


PS also just wanted to say if you're buyng a car, have a look at www.carsales.com.au - but make sure you limit the search area to WA, Perth metro. Good luck! :biggrin:

Edited by Jen_PFR
added info on cars
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Guest ozindublin

Hi Jim,


We're in the sticks aswell. I'm lucky enough to have a car already, but I'm doing so much DRIVING!!! I can't imagine what its like without a car.


I just keep reminding myself that this is only short term until we find a rental property (bit closer to the city). I also think once we find a place & have our shipping arrive we'll be much more settled. The kids keep asking where *** is, and when I tell them its probably half way here, they chear up, with the idea I actually packed it!


Prioritise your list of jobs to do, get a car, then you'll be less stuck in the sticks, and feel a bit more free to enjoy your new surroundings.


Then start exploring!


We've been to Baldivis, and we feel its far to south for us too. We're looking further north in Success.


I'm hoping once the kids are in school, friendships will follow soon afterwards. Don't pressure yourselves!!!!



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Hi Jim,


We're in the sticks aswell. I'm lucky enough to have a car already, but I'm doing so much DRIVING!!! I can't imagine what its like without a car.


I just keep reminding myself that this is only short term until we find a rental property (bit closer to the city). I also think once we find a place & have our shipping arrive we'll be much more settled. The kids keep asking where *** is, and when I tell them its probably half way here, they chear up, with the idea I actually packed it!


Prioritise your list of jobs to do, get a car, then you'll be less stuck in the sticks, and feel a bit more free to enjoy your new surroundings.


Then start exploring!


We've been to Baldivis, and we feel its far to south for us too. We're looking further north in Success.


I'm hoping once the kids are in school, friendships will follow soon afterwards. Don't pressure yourselves!!!!




Hi there and congratulations on the massive move. And it is MASSIVE! I don't think you can ever really prepare yourself for the emtotional turmoil and upheaval. remind yourself of the reasons you wanted to do it and take things slowly. We have been here 20 months and this is our third area that we have been in and finally it feels right. We have had a school change in that time too for one of our children. But things do work out for a reason. Originally we didn't want to be near the city as we had lived in a village in the UK but before too long we realized that we needed to be nearer infrasturcture here in order to facilitate hobbies, clubs, friendships etc. We feel that things are more us now. We Live in Ferndale with the Canning river at the end of the street. A mostly old small suburb (South, 25 mins from city), affordable and so close to amenities for the 2 kids. But still I cycle to work and spend hours trailling the river with the dogs. Give yourself a break. Enjoy every day for the small things and the bigger will fall into place. Its most definately not easy but it will get better. Don't be afraid to move from your original plans either afterall how can you know what its going to be like when making plans from the Uk? Best of luck. Let us know how you get on.

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Guest themanns

Hi there! Sorry to be the negative one but that's why we are going back to UK! OMG I can't begin to explain how stressfull it is to get long term rentals and all yer stuff sorted..We tried living in lots of different areas around Perth from down south to City subs to north but str the children and sooo much more in UK bla bla bla.. Why do you think that lots of poms say to themselves well we will give it 6 months or a year then see.. most of which discover they still feel the same ans some can afford to spin back and others not so keep sticking at it and then their kids seem settled so some stay..mind you if they think that the UK is a better place for their children then I think it's incredibly selfish to stay. Yes the weather is nice but when you have lived here a while you start to see the pitfalls of the sun..Slides too hot sand too hot..funny I thought that coming to a warmer climate you would do so much more but here I was surprised to see that things are seasonal and not many people do much in winter.. I have spoken to many late teens and early twenties and all can't wait to travel to UK and are bored here..Well getting back to the point.. My advise to you is to keep hold of as much money as poss and keep your eyes wide open..get right into it but don't brush things under the carpet..If you think something investigate it because often people are precious about there place and wont be honest about what they think and how they feel..Good luck and I do hope you settle..

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We found most of the suburbs to be the same. Baldivis is one we looked at but it wasnt for us also as its inland a little bit it gets warmer than if nearer the coast something to factor in perhaps. I like Mandurah and if I had children would have stayed there, but it was to far a drive to airport for me to take hubs back and forth, also work for myself I found limited. Have a good look about as folks have stated before you make your mind up. I am sure in time you will find some where you like to settle. Good luck

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Guest Zmeggers

Hello Jimblob, really feeling for you just now! Keep your chin up and I hope everything works out, keep us posted with how you are getting on. Everyone is great on here. As the manns say try to spend as little money as possible whilst you investigate your new surroundings and decide what what is best for you and the family. Wish you the best of luck xxx

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Guest Zmeggers

With us arriving in December i got a lump in my throat reading this like :-/ Its going to be hard I know! We definatly dont have on rose tinted glasses. We have the bonus of a city centre apartment for 3 months and job security to arrive to and we have freinds out there. I guess the first 3 months is just going to be spent sussing out WA and where we want to settle. I have a list of areas i am intrested in and areas to avoid based on feedback from here. Baldivs has just been added to the avoid list :-/ x

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We have been here nearly a year. I've had a few wobbles but to be honest wouldn't swap it for the world now! I think baldivis is a bit far inland , nearer the coast is better just remember there's good and bad everywhere so if you like the feel of an area and get that gut feeling go for it.


We are building in Waikiki , mandurah is lovely as well as a lot of the other suburbs going north. Get a car sorted and go exploring. One thing for sure is with oz you only get out of it what you out in!

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With us arriving in December i got a lump in my throat reading this like :-/ Its going to be hard I know! We definatly dont have on rose tinted glasses. We have the bonus of a city centre apartment for 3 months and job security to arrive to and we have freinds out there. I guess the first 3 months is just going to be spent sussing out WA and where we want to settle. I have a list of areas i am intrested in and areas to avoid based on feedback from here. Baldivs has just been added to the avoid list :-/ x


Don't cross it off completly untill you've seen it for yourself. We had a new staff member at work and they've got a rental in Baldivies (2 young children one year 1 and one pre-primary) and are loving it down that end. For me personally it's too far south as I like being nearer to the City and Freo

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We arrived on Wednesday and ir does git you hard. We are just keeping busy and working through the to do list! But so far loving it!! I thought I would like SOR best but after a few days exploring I think I prefer the North! I think we will move several times before we settle!


Good luck and stay positve. You have done the hard bit by getting here!!




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We arrived about 4 weeks ago and we move into our perm rental on Friday. We wanted something around currambine but couldn't get a good rental that took pets. As we have 2 kids (15&22) schools were important and comet bay came highly rated so we settled on secret harbour but we do think it is a bit far from Perth. We r aiming to build and we will move to an area that ticks all the boxes. U need to accept that a move this big Will take time before u get settled. Unless u get lucky

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  • 4 weeks later...

We have been in Mandurah over 4 years now and love it. Wether it is right for you depends on things like where you will be working and what commute you dont mind. I was based in the office in the CBD when we first arrived and didnt drive for the first 18 months but managed. I find the public transport excellent.


I have never really understood the appeal of places like Baldivis - just massive sprawling housing estates. We love being next to the beach and also having the golf course and sports clubs around us.


Do remember that it is very early days for yourselves at the moment and it can take a week or even two, to get over the jet lag. Also, everything will seem a bit daunting and strange, but it will become to feel more like home.


Best of luck and if there is anything i can help with just ask.

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