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Priorities On Arrival?

Guest Zmeggers

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I remember the Oz mobile phone sim card being a pain. Optus - a reasonably priced plan, lots of cheap overseas calling but my advise would be to get them to set up and register it in the shop cos we found it to be a total pain trying to do it at home on the internet, took hours (but that could just be me).

Internet weve only got a virgin mobile device, easy enough but we did have to lie and say we had been at the address for over 2 years, cos no Oz credit history.

Bank accounts even if youve opened before you leave you still have to make appointment to go in and sort

Tax File No - did online and it took about a week to come through

Medicare - go to nearest branch with all your ID, fill in form, will get a temp card with proper one arriving in about a week

Driving licence - again head to the nearest centre with all ID, take a ticket and wait (could be for a while), pay your money, again should have it in about a week.

Doctors/Dentists etc you dont need to worry about because you can go to any, just turn up when you need to.

Can all feel a bit daunting, but most of the people you deal with are nice and will help if your not too sure what you need to do.

Hope this helps

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Leave it a few days before going to medicare, we went in the first couple of days and weren't on the system and had to go back at the end of the week. You have 3 months to change your licence so don't need to rush with that one until you've found your barings.

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I arrived 6 days ago and have so far sorted out only my bank account as I have been at job interviews. Can you get your Medicare card and TFN without a permanant address as we are only in temporary two week accomadation? I thought it might be best to wait?!


Zmeggers- we have found having a hire car and internet connection a must on arrival!!





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Guest Zmeggers

Brilliant replies! LadyW how you getting on with the job hunting? What is it that you do? My husband got a transfer with his work but i will be on the hunt on arrival. I have to wing in by a couple of agencies i have been liasing with over the last couple of months so thats a start. So many people have mentioned a car to us. How much are you paying for hire at the moment? I think we will probably hire to start with before we buy. His work asked the question the other day if we would like our accomodation to be city centre or in the suburbs. We have no intention of settling in the city centre but thought it would be good to be in the centre for the first 3 months of our free accomodation just to experience it a bit. We were going to get passes for Transperth and thought that would be easier access to the suburbs on public transport...whats your thoughts on that? Do you still think we need the car right away? Might even be an idea just hiring a car at the weekends when he is going to be off work and we can go explore our surroundings a bit more.


More to the point 6 days in...how you finding it????? xxx

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