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Anyone recently arrived from Manc/cheshire or anywhere in UK???

Guest Nikki35

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Guest Nikki35

Hey all.


i moved here 12 weeks ago and am looking for new friends who like a bit of a social scene....We live NOR in Mullaloo and the move was sooooo hard...We are now more settled and loving it apart from them pesky flies...Geeez...


We have a few friends here but im just wondering if anyone here are also from manc/cheshire and also perhaps have kids??


Im 37 and husband 45....we have too kids 4 and 2...


be lovely to speak to a few people.



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Guest Gingerale



Were from Manchester and have been out here for about 12 weeks too. We're in Burns Beach, so not far from you.


I'm 31 and my husband is 36. We don't have any children, but are still happy to meet with those that do, and make some new friends.


Let me know if you want to meet up.


Lisa :biggrin:

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Guest Nikki35



Thats Great.


Sharon where abouts are you living in Mullaloo?? Were on Koorana road...renting at min..


be great to meet a few new people. defo.


Let me know if you want to meet sometime and ill send you my number


Nic x

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Guest Nikki35


Were from Manchester and have been out here for about 12 weeks too. We're in Burns Beach, so not far from you.


I'm 31 and my husband is 36. We don't have any children, but are still happy to meet with those that do, and make some new friends.


Let me know if you want to meet up.


Lisa :biggrin:


Hi Lisa


yep that would be great. Send me a PM and ill give you my number....12 weeks too ah??/ Hope your settling in ok...Were just about settling in now. Been a tough few months thats for sure...


Nic x

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Guest Nikki35


We are also from Manchester (Gee Cross) and now live in Mullaloo. We have been here over 1 year. Myself 41, hubby 43, children 12 and 10.


Always happy to meet new people :smile:


Sharon x


just out of interest... Wheres Gee Cross??? Ive never heard of that at all...


Which school are your kids at?



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Guest Shelly23

Hi we arrived 6 weeks ago, were living SOR in Aubin Grove, loving life at the minute, can't wait for furniture to arrive. We have an 11yr old daughter, and would love to tag along to any meet ups. were origionally from cheshire. PM me with any details, I have a car so can travel. Shelly

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Hi we arrived 6 weeks ago, were living SOR in Aubin Grove, loving life at the minute, can't wait for furniture to arrive. We have an 11yr old daughter, and would love to tag along to any meet ups. were origionally from cheshire. PM me with any details, I have a car so can travel. Shelly


Hi Shelly


We are also SOR. We live in Ferndale and will have been here 2 years in about 10 days time. Although I work almost full time hours it is always great to meet new people. I have a 10 year old boy and a almost 14 year old girl. PM me if you fancy it as it would be great to catch up. Take care

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Guest guest1337

I'm from Cheshire! Been here 5 1/2 years now! Time flies when your having fun! If anyone wants to meet up, we go to the whale & ale pub in Clarkson fairly regularly!! Let us know, don't have kids either just 2 mad dogs!!!

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We have been here 3 weeks and are from Manchester. We are currently living in Merriwa. Lisa (30), Robert (32) and our dog arrives soon!!


Would love to catch up




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Guest candice820

Hi Nic,


I arrived about 2wks ago! Am from Brighton so prob about as far as you can get from Manchester!! but also keen to meet some people!


I'm living in Scarborough - is that near you at all?


Candice :)

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Guest andrewthom4s

Not from Manc/Cheshire but does Shropshire count??? it is neighbouring and I know lots of pubs across the land so can play guess the pub!


My wife and I came over 8 months ago having spent lots of time visiting and then delayed due to now having a 3 yr old boy Joseph. just moved down to Bayswater but know the northern suburbs well as just recently moved from Joondalup. I'm 32 and my wife nikki is 30. I can remember how difficult the first weeks were. settled now but meeting people out of work with kids has been a challenge


we'd be happy to meet up any weekend. we take joseph our son swimming in wanneroo every sat am


maybe see you soon!

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Guest Nikki35
Hi Nic,


I arrived about 2wks ago! Am from Brighton so prob about as far as you can get from Manchester!! but also keen to meet some people!


I'm living in Scarborough - is that near you at all?


Candice :)



hi there


yeah about 15-20 mins i think....


Ha ha ha...Well it is as far as you can get but hey im happy to meet everyone....



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Guest Nikki35
Not from Manc/Cheshire but does Shropshire count??? it is neighbouring and I know lots of pubs across the land so can play guess the pub!


My wife and I came over 8 months ago having spent lots of time visiting and then delayed due to now having a 3 yr old boy Joseph. just moved down to Bayswater but know the northern suburbs well as just recently moved from Joondalup. I'm 32 and my wife nikki is 30. I can remember how difficult the first weeks were. settled now but meeting people out of work with kids has been a challenge


we'd be happy to meet up any weekend. we take joseph our son swimming in wanneroo every sat am


maybe see you soon!


Yep we konw wanneroo....We had our kids in a nursery up there for 4 weeks until we took them out.. and was living in carramar..



Yep we could always meet up at weekends? Send me a PM with ya number and we can sort things out...


Yeah shropshire is close enough lol...amost cheshire....ha.. Very nice part of the UK.





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Guest Nikki35

We have been here 3 weeks and are from Manchester. We are currently living in Merriwa. Lisa (30), Robert (32) and our dog arrives soon!!


Would love to catch up






Hi Lisa



Where is Merriwa?? I dont know that one.


3 weeks??? Blimey....are ya likin it??? lovin it?? or unsure??



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Hi Nic


Merriwa is next to Clarkson (if that helps!!)


First three weeks have been quite mental. Managed to secure a job int he first week here and a long term rental (which we move in to on Friday) Now we have a whole house to furnish so as I said a bit mental at the moment!!





Hi Lisa



Where is Merriwa?? I dont know that one.


3 weeks??? Blimey....are ya likin it??? lovin it?? or unsure??



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Guest andrewthom4s

Congrats on the job


If you need garden stuff try Segals in Balcatta (cnr of Reid/Wanneroo). We stumbled on it and had an absolute bargain for patio furniture and outdoor sofa etc. And they delivered to Joondalup for $60


you can't beat a trip to Ikea or Super AMart!


We have friends in Clarkson and going to go up to the Whale and Ale on the 16th so if you're free maybe catch you then. my wife is 30 and i'm 32 (which she loves reminding me about!) and we have a 3 year old son

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Guest blonde_fish

Hi Nic


I landed 19th Oct and am living in Carramar. We lived in Berkshire back in england.


I have a little boy 4 and a half and twin girls aged 2....


Love to meet up if you fancy it. My mobile no is 0403966263 - give me a text xxx

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