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Golf mandurah


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we are now SOR and my husband would be up for meeting for a game of golf. He dosn't have his golf clubs yet though so is it possible to share somebody's? (never played golf so no idea if this suggestion is acceptable or not!)



Hi Amanda, my clubs haven`t arrived yet eithr. We are SOR, in Halls Head, Mandurah. Maybe we can hire some clubs??

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  • 3 months later...

hey, quick update, husbands golf clubs have arrived so he will be up for a game on a sunday if anyones interested. My mum is visiting for a month as of saturday so he may be glad to get out of the house, or is happy to wait until end of May to meet up :)

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  • 1 month later...

just arrived last weekend, have a bit of free time whilst looking for work if anyone fancies a game?

am 35 play off 10 and am staying in Byford until we sort out a long term rental, would love to get out for a quiet round and dust off the clubs.

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  • 2 months later...
Clubs have arrived been playing with a mate at whaleback on a Sunday if anyone wants to join in


I'd be up for a game at Whaleback on a Sunday. Not played there yet. I'm living in Success so its not too far from me.


Also interested in playing more regularly at Glen Iris, I've played there a few times its a nice course. Would like to try Melville Glades as well sometime, which is quite close to me. Anyone else around that area fancy it?


I'm 33, no official handicap but am around 25, usually battling to break 100! Aiming to get to low 90s on a regular basis before the year is out!

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