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Gas engineer moving to Perth


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My partner is a qualified gas engineer with ten years experience and we are looking to move to Perth. Can anyone recommend how to find a job, i know its easier when over there but would feel alot more comfortable moving over with a job to go to.


Thanks for any advice.



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Hi Rach,

lm a plumber moving over in Perth , no wy is it going to be easy when you get over there.

our qualifications are good to get us into Australia but mean bugger all when you get there .

im not sure if a gas fitter is still on the wanted list ( not being a doom and gloomer, not sure) .

you have to go though vetasses , checkout there site


all the best



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Hi Ian,


Thanks... i looked and it doesnt seem to be on there but Plumber is and he is qualified plumber aswell.


If you find anything out please let me know and I will look into it further!!


Good luck in Perth, hopefully see you there!



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