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Beginners women's running / socialising!


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Hi all,


I've just moved to Perth, and wondering if anyone knows of any beginners women's running groups? (preferably in the northern suburbs, where I'm living)


I've not run for absolutely ages, so not looking for anything formal or too serious! It's to make friends as much as get fit really :)


If anyone out there fancies joining me on a semi-regular run, then it would be great to get an informal group going (if there isn't one out there already!), or even just find a running buddy or two. I'm 29 and of average fitness, but certainly won't be running any marathons any time soon :) I live in Kallaroo, so quite far north of the city, but will be working in Joondalup, so could meet there too.


Drop me a line if you're interested or know of any existing groups!




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Hi Amy!


I'm really keen to get back into some kind of exercise routine but it's been a while. I've been having a look at group fitness classes but they can be pretty dear so something like this would be ideal for me. I live in Beechboro (out towards Midland NOR) but also work in Joondalup so that could be handy!


I'll send you my number through private message.



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Guest Ali Hollingsworth

Hi I live Scarborough way, am just getting settled and am looking to start running/ walking again. I can meet any night after work, maybe some point along west coast highway, maybe Hillaries?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi I live Scarborough way, am just getting settled and am looking to start running/ walking again. I can meet any night after work, maybe some point along west coast highway, maybe Hillaries?


Hi Ali,


Sorry not to have replied sooner. I'm still in the process of getting a car sorted but once I do, meeting at Hilarys could work for me (otherwise I can't get there after work). Shall I get in touch with you when I'm sorted?



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I live in Bayswater, Im a terrible runner, my mate used to drag me out a couple of evenings a week back in the UK, for a gossip n jog which I miss a lot now Im over here.


I want to start exercising a bit now summer is here, legs could do with a bit of toning ;)


Had a game of tennis on the weekend with OH which was good fun, but hard work with 2 kids in tow - if anyone fancies partnering up. Intend to start swimming, probably at Bayswater Waves too sometime to, apparently they do aquarobics there too which I might give a go.



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Guest Ali Hollingsworth
Hi Ali,


Sorry not to have replied sooner. I'm still in the process of getting a car sorted but once I do, meeting at Hilarys could work for me (otherwise I can't get there after work). Shall I get in touch with you when I'm sorted?



hi again


Sorry my response is so slow but still been busy with a million things in the settling in process. Yep for sure when you get your wheels let me know and we can meet up for a run along they coast from Hillaries and maybe finish with a coffee after.




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Guest Nikki35

Is luv to join you all. I been doing Bootcamp in Sorrento. But hgoing to do Scarborough one next week as they give ya 2 weeks FOC. I'd luv to be a better runner though.


Im NOR in Mullaloo. X



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Guest kaylwoody

I'd love to join in too. I used to run a lot but suffered shin splints but would like to get back into it and it would be great to meet new people at the same time ( I tend to slack off if I'm alone lol) I'm in tapping near joondalup n work till 6 most nights n the odd weekend but if a get together is arranged I could attend il definitely be there

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Guest Nikki35

Hey all



Should we just say a few dates?? as i can see this one doing a round robin...lol


Im in Mullaloo and can do pretty much most evenings or some early am's


What ya all say???



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Guest kaylwoody

Evenings is good with me. The latest I work till is 6pm but I have a few earlier finishes depending what's good with everyone else. I work near mullalloo so that's good with me also :)

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Really good that you are trying to start this but one problem may be that in the not too distant future, like in a month, it could be far too hot to run at night. Mornings are the go but appreciate how hard that might be to arrange. And when I say mornings I mean 6.00am or 6.30am when it is cool enough to run. Not sure how many of you have been through a Perth summer?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


Have you managed to organise anything?


I would be really interested in joining in (although am shockingly out of shape at the moment!).


I work part time in Marmion and live in Jindalee so can do early morning or pm's some days and any time other days.



Look forward to hearing back :-)

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Guest Ali Hollingsworth

Ok ladies let's get this happening. After all being busy over the last month it's time to get moving. I will be at the sorrento beach car park at 6 pm this coming Thursday. It's next to Hillaries. I propose a social stroll first off so that we have enough breath to actually say hi and then maybe a coffee across the road after. Please let me know if you can make it so I know who to look out for?






Have you managed to organise anything?


I would be really interested in joining in (although am shockingly out of shape at the moment!).


I work part time in Marmion and live in Jindalee so can do early morning or pm's some days and any time other days.



Look forward to hearing back :-)

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Hi Ali,


If I haven't left it too late to reply, please count me in, I will be there and will pm you my number fot once you're there... see you tonight then.


Ok ladies let's get this happening. After all being busy over the last month it's time to get moving. I will be at the sorrento beach car park at 6 pm this coming Thursday. It's next to Hillaries. I propose a social stroll first off so that we have enough breath to actually say hi and then maybe a coffee across the road after. Please let me know if you can make it so I know who to look out for?






Have you managed to organise anything?


I would be really interested in joining in (although am shockingly out of shape at the moment!).


I work part time in Marmion and live in Jindalee so can do early morning or pm's some days and any time other days.



Look forward to hearing back :-)

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Guest Ali Hollingsworth

Hi Jemma,


That's Great!!


Looking forward to seeing you later



Hi Ali,


If I haven't left it too late to reply, please count me in, I will be there and will pm you my number fot once you're there... see you tonight then.


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