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Unhappy Teen

Guest Oliver Rogers

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Guest Oliver Rogers

Hey there, My names ollie and im not going to lie quite sad. i had quite a few friends back in england but since moving out here i have no one and i just seem to get more depressed every day. i usually go for walks and that round my estate and up to wanneroo central hoping that i'll meet someone but nothing has happened. then somedays im just stuck in my house with nothing to do so i just kick the ball around which my mum hates so i have to stay still and i really hate that. i have to keep doing something. So if anyone wants to talk for a bit please ask for my fb :)

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Hi Ollie, moving away from friends is a massive thing particulalry for teens. How old are you? Are you at school? Just wondering if there are groups at school/college locally that you might want to join? If you're interested in soccer then clubs will probably be starting training again in January ... but worth contacting them now.

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Guest Oliver Rogers

hey there im 16 and im not starting school till february.. ive applied for lots of jobs but none have contacted me back :( i do wanna join a football club but ive got two knee injuries and its hard to keep consistent :/

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Why not just see if you can train with them - my hubby broke his leg this year and is unsure about being able to play competatively next year but is going to train. If you know which school you're going to be going to - get your mum/dad to contact the principle to see if anyone is happy to meet up with you/show you round etc..

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I really feel for you mate, I also moved around a lot as a kid but I had brothers so was a bit easier. Fact is most friends are made through school or work.


I saw on here a bbq is being arranged so why dont you get your mum take you, also i saw others posting looking for friends so dont just chat on here or fb (which by the way I think is the work of the devil) get on your bike and visit them, meet up.


Get ur a** down the local park and meet people.


I am old yes but I speak from experiance you cant stay at home all the time it will drive you crazy. If you are looking for work go around some resturants and ask any casual work? anything to get speaking.

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Guest lozzchops

Ollie ,Do you know what school your going to,if so get you mom to contact the principle to see can you join any clubs.Why havent you started school i know there's only 4/5 weeks left but you might hook up with some friends that will keep you sane in the holidays.Your going through a really tough life lesson that will make you strong as an adult but doesn't help now,do you best to remain upbeat and positive.Check the local paper and sports centres,join a jym maybe,perhaps let everyone know what area your in, there must be teenagers out there your age going through the same thing....Good luck!

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  lozzchops said:
Ollie ,Do you know what school your going to,if so get you mom to contact the principle to see can you join any clubs.Why havent you started school i know there's only 4/5 weeks left but you might hook up with some friends that will keep you sane in the holidays.Your going through a really tough life lesson that will make you strong as an adult but doesn't help now,do you best to remain upbeat and positive.Check the local paper and sports centres,join a jym maybe,perhaps let everyone know what area your in, there must be teenagers out there your age going through the same thing....Good luck!


Ollie, it is very hard, I do feel for you. I bought my 2 kids over 2 years ago at this time of year. Their school was not interested in having them start so near the end of term. My oldest, although younger than you was in her teens and found that first bit so hard. I know that she was lonely and a bit lost. I agree find work, join clubs and try and keep motivated. Make the most of every opportunity to meet new people. It will be so much easier once school starts. I reckon that it took my girl the first 6 months to feel better about things. Good Luck.

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Hi Ollie,


I know there is only 5 weeks of school left...but maybe see if you can start now. We are still having kids start at ours....it hleps to make friends as you will have a long 6 week break. See if you can joing a swimming club maybe..good luck.....I know how you are feeling as my now 18year old found it hard at 14 years old.


Perservere though and you wll enjoy it.

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Why on earth you wouldn't have started school is beyond me and why a school wouldn't be happy about it is also beyond me. At 16 this length of time out of school is not good and if you are due to start year 11 in February I am astonished that the school wouldn't suggest you entered year 10 to pick your options for year 11.

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