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Aboriginal gangs..is it a problem in Perth?


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Hi, I have just been reading an article on perthnow and some further research suggests that Aboriginal gang attacks are getting worse all over Perth or are they just random isolated events?. I imagine them to be very hostile especially as historically they were treated so badly by the Europeans. Don't get me wrong I embrace new cultures and as a nurse I will be caring for the indigenous people a lot in WA. Since having a baby and soon to continue raising a family in Perth I am concerned about this. I am probably just overreacting!! My husband is fine about it being from Manchester but I am from Sheltered little Somerset. I would be grateful for any feedback from those that live there. Many thanks.

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Guest guest1337

Perthnow! What a joke that is, when there is no news they just about make some up and blow it out of all proportion, even when there is a story their articles are notoriously unreliable with little or incorrect facts!


I wouldn't worry one little bit!

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there are social problems where ever you move all races cause problems as above things do get blown out or proportion thing is Australia is a huge country with a tiny population they do not get a lot of news to report they more concerned about reporting news regarding other countries eg America ... bit like the UK there

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I havent seen gangs as such but came across quite a few aboriginals out causing trouble.


Examples: got hassled on a bus by a few of them, again on a bus there has been women who were just shouting and swearing abuse at other passengers and being very racist herself towards the chinese that were on the bus.


OH sat in his car, waiting for me while i shopped, got hassled by one and ended up giving him money just to get rid of him, promptly watched him head into the bottle shop and get beer for him and his daughter.


Ive noticed a lot of them walking round Freo, drunk and drugged up.


They seem to be allowed to get away with things that others wouldnt get away with. The ones that make a nusiance of themselves on public transport never get pulled up for it or are made to get off.

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I have been here over 11 years and have never had any bother with Aboriginals at all so can only assume fifi69 is very unlucky in having the encounters she has had with them. Yes they do get drunk and sit in large groups being very loud and forever fighting with each other but you do what you would do anywhere in the world and avoid them and the area they hang out in. Yes you see them in Freo but they way fifi69 describes it you would think they are causing mayhem and disorder on the streets when in fact they sit in a park in large groups(yes drinking and probably using drugs) but again I have never encountered any trouble from them even when I have walked past them. It is well known in WA that that a small minority can and do cause trouble at times but there are also problems with gangs of migrant kids that are much more troublesome than the aborigines but again it's like anything else in that you only hear about the bad and not the good.

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Hi, well **** scared of them too but I guess most people are! red backs are shy and we have a similar spider in NZ called a Katipo . Huntsmans are scary hairy massive things move like lightening and provided there not on me or jumping out at me from the glove compartment or in my crash helmet I'm ok. I stayed at a campsite in Byron bay once and this aging hippy traveller had a huntsman as a pet...freak!. Funnel webs bloody well stay over the eastern states!! ;) SHARKS now they better behave cus we love to windsurf, SUP and dive. yikes!!..its an exciting country eh! x

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