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Community worker sponsorship

Guest australiadream

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Guest australiadream



I am new here and planing to apply for WA state sponsorship under community worker category. Is there any one in this forum who got sponsorship under community worker category after July, 2012 and his/her point. Please reply.





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  ro88 said:


I was just wondering how you got on applying for state sponsorship as a community worker as i am currently doing the same?






I would be interested to hear this as well, I am currently doing the same! have you done your vetesses bit? mine is 'pending' from them but no word yet and most of the discussions on here about them seem to be for practical assessments. I have done the IELTS test and have all the forms filled in ready to submit for wa sposorship as soon as it comes back. could you share your time lines? Keep me posted wth how you get on!



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I sent in my vetassess 17th jan, and sent in an urgent request form about 3 weeks later. it was then completed 3 days later . I applied for state sponsorship feb 21st and still not heard back. I applied with 65 points including state sponsorship points. So waiting eagerly now, however i am currently residing in WA.


How are you getting on?

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Hi Ro88,


What were your grounds for your urgent request? I dont think I would qualify to submit one (no upcoming major birthday or expiring visa) unless impatience counts? ;-) I was told state sponsorhip is 4 weeks so guess you should hear any day now. My Vetessess went off on the 24th Jan so I really hope that I get some good news soon!


Keep me posted with how you get on!

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i am currently in wa on a working holiday visa which has a 6 month restriction for working with a company, My company are keen to keep me but will be unable to if i do not get pr by the time it runs out (april 12th - leaving it very short!) so i said this to vetassess and they did it straight away! I am so anxious, never heard of anyone else applying as community worker before! Do you know if the occupation makes a difference when applying? it is definately increasing my skill of patience!


good luck by the way! im sure we will both be pr in no time...fingers crssed!


when are you planning to move? or are u here already/ :-)

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That makes sense, I am glad that they were accommodating to your circumstances and well done for having a job that they want to keep you in! I havent found anyone else applying under community worker either, and feel pretty anxious too, I am just hoping that my skills are passed by Vetessess, (no reason why not you understand, I am working as a community worker, just paranoia!) I am not aware that it makes a huge amount of difference once you get on to visa stage what occupation you apply under, as long as it is on the list (and doesnt get taken off!) but I could be wrong.


We are still in the UK at the moment, hoping (with a following wind etc) that we can be out by September (or earlier if it all comes through). Where abouts are you working? there seem to be lots of CD jobs advertised, is it relatively straight forward to find work or is it the same as the UK in that there is lots of competition for each job?


Its good to hear from someone else that is going through the process, I hope you have added patinece to your CV list of skills! ;-)

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aww thanks... and i think you wont be waiting too much longer on vetassess and then the process should be quick enough. It is just nice to see the results of the hard work! The waiting is terrible and i am sure it is paranoia! I literally check my emails 15 x a day haha waiting for the response!

I work in a suburb in the northern suburbs of perth! What kind of community worker are you? There are plenty of jobs! I got mine straight away... and they started 5 other people with me! And have taken on 4 more since then! Just remain positive :-) and you could even start applying now! It is predominantly english ppl as well where i work... crazy...


yes it is good to hear your story and know there are other community workers out there haha! It makes me think we must be in demand if there are no others applying!!!!!!! :-)


Patience, commitment and motivation all my kep attributes at the moment :-)


Hope you have a great weekend!!

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Hi Guys..


Just subscribing to keep up to date.... I'm waiting on my CO for my 189, but am keen to secure work within community/vol sector... I can see the work is there and I have had interview (still waiting the outcome)....


I can't go for SS as I'm not on the WA SOL.... whilst I've done community work / youth work etc... I ended up going under welfare centre manager with Vetassess as, this appeared to be more in line with my current experience....


Perhaps ro88 you could keep us up to date with potential opportunities, as an ear on the ground, can be much better than SEEK????



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Hi Ro88,


I do community engagement and project / programme management work usually, have done it overseas and in the UK, but not Australia... yet! fingers crossed it happens one day! Would be great to hear of any good opportunities that you hear of and how your visa progresses!

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No worries i will keep you informed of anything i hear! You should definately look on the government website! there seems to be a lot on there... and sounds like you have great experience!

i got initial contact from wa yest and assigned a case officer so just waiting now :-) must be a good sing! will let you know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just to let you all know i was invited to apply and have sent in my completed application. Just in process of getting medical and police check. Little bit worrid about medical as my partner has neuphrotic syndrome (kidney problem). but just have to be patient and see what happens. Ill keep you all posted. :-)


any news on skills assessment?

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Thanks for the update and great news on your invitation to apply ro88. I am still (not so patiently!) waiting for Vetassess! it is so frustrating, and I have resigned myself to the fact that it will be the full 10 weeks before I hear anything and definately not until after easter now. I wish I had a valid reason for an urgency request! still I am sure I will hear eventually. Keeping my fingers crossed your medicals go OK (dreading ours as my daughter is ceoliac and I have no idea if that will refer her and put us on another 3 month holding pattern.) I look forward to your visa granted update any day now! :biggrin:

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I would chase vet assess up with an email. They are fantastic and get back to you right away. And might hurry it up. Just ask has it been assigned to anyone yet. Good luck and your daughter would never be a problem I don't think! Enjoy Easter :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, am delighted to see others in similar sector to myself. I got my skills assessed by ACWA under the Welfare Worker but was unsure which heading fitted best, as I do a lot of community work. The application for assessment was very lengthy and took me months to get together but was positive thankfully.

i have also noticed plenty of jobs and found ethical jobs and seek.com good also. However, I have been told that offshore sponsorship is very rare, as face to face interview is vital for this work. I've suggested Skype but no joy so far.


Ro88: How are you finding working there? Anything very different about how things are done?

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thats the same as me with community/welfare work! think they cross over and are very similar.


you could apply for state sponsorship (visa 190) and move over then. It can be approved relatively quickly once you have skills assessment and your 60points.


if you are degree qualified i know that department of child protection in victoria sponsor welfare workers; obviously depending on work experience etc. but there are always jobs advertised there...check on the victorian gov website. I think welfare worker is on the victorian high demand list also.


i love it here so much! there is still a lot of work in community sector; although work wise, in WA it is quite behind. Especially mental health sector which is the area i work in. At xmas i looked for other jobs and had so much response! I think if you are in a situation that enables you too; you would be best to apply for state sponsorship...save up and move over prepared to find work when you get here :-)


good luck!!

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Hi Lulu78, well done on getting your skills assessed! Where are you up to with your process, are you applying for ss as well? I am STILL waiting for Vetessess, it is driving me mad! I am using an agent and they say they have followed up this week, but no response as yet. The agents tell me that they dont want to hassle vetseess as it slows the process down... it is really frustrating as I just want to be able to move on to the next bit now!

I cant imagine there will be many opportunities for sponsorship, but I guess you never know! I was kind of hoping that I might be able to get work before moving over, but I guess from what you are saying that might not be possible. I have kind of stopped looking too hard at the moment as I dont feel I can move forward without my skills assessment, it is so frustrating! Sorry, dont mean to rant!

Keep us posted Lulu78! Ro88 - Any news on your state sponsorship yet? I am sure you will have you visa through before I get my skills assessment!

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WestonClan.... I'd question what your agent said about Vetassess... once I found out who my "case officer" was at Vetassess, I had regular email contact with her and she couldn't be more helpful... I was being assessed as welfare centre manager... how about you??


I'm still on the lookout for jobs... just missed out on one recently via a Skype interview... pretty lame reason why I didn't get it... but onwards and upwards.



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Thanks for the comments Chris, it is useful to know that I am not being daft suggesting we contact them! I will see what the agents come back with. Did you just email vetessess generallly to find out who your CO was? I think I might try that if I dont get anywhere soon. Also how long did your assessment take? I am up to 12 weeks now, so techinally still within the time scale!

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At first Vetassess were a nightmare... they "lost" my application, which eventually turned up, after one or two emails... as soon as it was found, I was contacted by my case officer and we had regular contact, me sending on further documentation on a regular basis and "real-time" conversations with her by email...


I'd done the application online, so I had my reference number to quote in emails, when trying to find where my application was, and sent an email to their general address, which was responded to very quickly, and things moved fast from there.


I did make the mistake of not asking for the points test letter, so was only given 3 out of 5 years work experience, however I got back to them as soon as my initial letter arrived and my case officer fast tracked the points test letter for me and giving me the 8 out of 10 years I required for the points..


All in all it did take the 3 months, but I put some of that time down to the fact they "lost" application at the start.. and I really believe the email contact worked.


So, if you haven't got it, ask you MA for your Vetasses reference number, and get that email off to them...



Edited by cjbchris
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Ro88, I am applying for 190 and I got WA SS last week but I had put in all my work experience on my EOI and it calculated 80 points ( i was delighted to have so many points), so that's what I stated on the SS. Silly me, the SS is invalid so have to apply again. I wouldn't mind but I applied and was approved within the same week so hopefully that happens again.

Im kind of set on WA as have lots of family there and accommodation when we get there, which helps.

Interesting that you say they are a bit behind. I'm currently working in Youth Mental Health and thought they were light years ahead.

I don't know if any of you have seen the ceiling figures for community/ welfare workers, there are about 1300 visas but not too many applications so that may be good for us.

I gave an agent a call yesterday so may get one to help with the rest of the process. It's all money!

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i would defo chase vetassess up!!


I think it is a great thing that the ceiling is so high and not being met. There is so much work in WA in community/welfare services!!!!


Lulu that is exactly what I do! Mental health and on my team im youth specific. You will find work no problem...


I would still say everyone keep applying for jobs in the hope for a skype interview as it is possible! And if you are offered a 457 you can always come on that and apply for PR later.


I am evidence that things move quickly once you have your skills assessment guys so do not lose hope!!!!!!! I am in the final stages...The client officer emailed me for my police checks...so just waiting on that now


:-) keep going guys...Australia is worth all the hard work!!!



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