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Great white sharks and other stuff


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I keep hearing about increasing shark attacks in WA. Is the coast patrolled by helicopter?? We are a family that enjoy multiple watersports and I am getting totally put off putting even my big toe in the water. Full respect to what magnificent creatures live in the sea but whats the reality of shark attacks there? Also some of you guys have scared me crazy with your pictures of red backs, mouse, wolf, huntman and dog eating spiders...are they really everywhere or can you get your house sprayed and rarely see them?


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Guest pom on the move

Hi there,

I know what you mean, These things didn't bother me till I got here, then I turned in to one paranoid pom :-)


As for the Shark thing, I hate the sea but OH loves it, The Shark attacks having mainly be to people along way out, at dusk or dawn or people spear fishing. It is not bad to be a little fearful of the sea it is a rough place. The best thing to do is join a life saving club as they are full of info regarding the sea.

This is what we are doing so I can get my children used to & understand the water.

Oh yeah, make sure there is someone out further than you ;-) x

Take care

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There have been a few over the last 12 months, a lot more than 'usual'. To be honest I don't really think about it, more likely to die crossing the road than being eaten by a shark.


The beaches are patrolled during the summer by planes and helicopters and there is a 'shark alarm' website that tells you where recent sightings have been. You can even go to the trouble of buying a shark repellant to wear whilst you're in the water if you're that bothered.


The people who've been taken have been further up north or down south, surfing, spear fishing etc - not to say it can't happen to your average swimmer (did off Cottesloe a few years ago) but that is unusual.

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