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Mandurah/ Rockingham or Kwinana ( and areas around all)

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Hi Guys


We are moving over to oz in May 2013. We have begun the nightmare of trying to narrow down areas to move/rent. It appears the places of choice for us is the areas of Rockingham,Mandurah or Kwinana.


I was just wondering what the pros and cons are of the 3.?


I.e which has the better schools? How far is Perth CBD by car/train from them all? Which have the better 'facilities' ( Leisure facilties/parks/ pubs/shops etc etc). What are the Job opportunities like around all 3?.

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Guest pom on the move

Hi there, Big move ahead :-) but well worth it.


Check out ozhouserental they have lots of proprieties south of the river.


Good Luck with the move.

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Heya guys... I am a real estate agent in Secret Harbour and would like to point out that if you cannot decide between the two... Rockingham or Mandurah, than why not try Secret Harbour, this suburb is slap bang in the middle of the two and has its own facilities which include; two primary schools, one high school, a decent local shopping centre, a surf club... As it is on the beach, its own trendy bar The Whistling Kite, a lessons only baths, a sporting complex on its outskirts... Larkhill Sporting Complex, its own vets, good bus routes, plenty (if not the most) of English settlers and, to top all that, an outstanding golf course flowing through the western side of the suburb with its own club house/bistro. Wow, did I forget anything in that lot? Lol.


If you would like any more info, please PM me and I would be more than happy to help out where I can :wink:


Take care



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Heya guys, what line of work are you in firstly? If you are driving into Perth CBD then you can allow anything from 40 mins in "normal" traffic. Everyone seems to want to get into the City pretty early, so there is an influx of cars on the road anywhere from 4:15am... Yes, I know this is early, but you really do not have to be caught up in the trap of early travel is such a way. The best and easier way is probably to take the train... You can either do this by driving up to Warnbro train station (about ten mins drive from SH) or jumping on one of the many busses which take you to the station. A lot of folk 'car share' so they are only taking one car, which is a plus on the roads.


I must point out though, that there is a tremendous lull in available rentals for most of these nice areas, but if you're thinking of buying your new home, then there are some bargains to be had as the market has not really recovered fully after the crash and, to be honest with you, rental prices are a getting higher as some people are now "offering a higher price" than what is being asked just to secure a rental. If you really want to look into it all, I would be more than happy to help you guys out in any possible way I can, please PM me and I can pass my details on to you so we can chat more.


Realistically, depending on which home you look at and what areas, most people are paying less for their mortgage each week/month than they would on a rental. Andnthe government also offer the 'First Homebuyer's Grant', which is always a helping hand. Just food for thought really, so you come over with your eyes wide open, although after such a long flight, am not sure if that is possible, lol.


With regards to crime, well, this is everywhere... There is no escaping that, but in Secret Harbour, although there are complaints with regard to crime, But this is only a minority compared to Rockingham and Mandurah areas. I have sent a link for you to have a little read about what the locals think




Also, if you want the local Facebook chit chat on Secret Harbour, Incan also forward you the link for that too.


Hope I haven't bored you with too much info and hope to speak to you guys soon


Take care, Claire x

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Avoid Kwinana. It can be a bit on the rough side, also, not actually much there - it is traditionaly a industrial area.


Rockingham and Mandurah are in many ways very similar. Personally i prefer Mandurah, though having lived there for the last 4 years i am biased.


A lot of people like Secret Harbour - very popular with Brits. Personally, i didnt, but that is personal choice. The issue it has is that it is a bit far from the train station. You dont want to think about driving into the city everyday as traffic can be a nightmare and unless your company provides parking, then the cost of parking in Perth can be very high. The trains are cheap and efficient (advantage of Mandurah is it is end of the line so you know you will get a seat).

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I have lived near Mandurah and if I had small children it would be the place for me but I do not. I live in Secret Harbour in the older part in an older house on a bigger block. Have been here since September and it is very quiet no trouble at all. I believe that the new area of Secret Harbour with the new build houses experience trouble and around the shopping centre in the evening. Social problems exist where ever you live I am afraid. Port Kennedy has some nice areas mix of new and older houses. Believe it or not some parts of Warnbro are nice more so beachside. Saftey Bay has nice areas also Shoalwater. I think until you get here and wander around you will not know where you wish to settle.

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Hi There


We live in Rockingham and love it! I have worked in Mandurah, and know a bit about properties in the surrounding areas.


Rockingham is classed as a City (in UK terms it's more like a town), and the 'City of Rockingham' covers a lot of areas, including, Safety Bay, Shoalwater, Warnbro, Waikiki, Port Kennedy and Secret Harbour. Travel to Perth on the train from Rockingham station is around 35 mins, from Warnbro station about another 5 minutes. By Car around 40 mins with no traffic, but in the morning you will be looking up to an hour.


Mandurah is another 30 minutes drive south of Rockingham centre, and the train from Mandurah I think takes around 50 mins.


Kwinana has got a bad reputation and there are areas that I would avoid, but if you look at the newer areas such as Wellard, then there are some really nice areas, close to the freeway, the rail station and with good property prices.


Good luck with your planning



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  • 3 weeks later...
  xclairex said:
I would just like someone to name any suburb where there is no trouble please?


Thank you


Hi Claire


I do not think there is a suburb in any place in the world without trouble of some kind. If you find that ideal place please let us all know. Again I repeat there are social problems every where in the world it affects some people more than others, and others can live alongside and have a full and happy life its an individual thing im afraid

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  • 2 weeks later...

UPMARKET Claremont and Swanbourne have a higher crime rate than Rockingham, according to analysis of our safest suburbs.

The latest WA Police crime data reveals Rockingham, home to Opposition Leader Mark McGowan, is the 16th safest out of the 30 local government areas, with a crime rate of 27 for every 1000 people.

The local government area of Claremont which includes the suburb of Claremont, home to Premier Colin Barnett comes in at 18th, with 28 crimes, including assaults, burglaries, car theft and robberies, for every 1000 people.

Today The Sunday Times can reveal the safest areas, both metropolitan and regional, based on WA Police statistics for burglaries, robberies, assaults and car thefts for the year to February 2012.


Are you living in one of Perth's safest local government areas? Check out the data below for all the details and tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Based on the latest population data, the crime rate per 1000 people was calculated for each local government area across the state.

Rockingham's deputy mayor, Deb Hamblin, said the city was vastly improved but its reputation was tainted as "crime-ridden".

"The demographic is definitely changing. The people here are very professional and very committed to making Rockingham a great place," she said.

The suburb with the lowest crime rate Peppermint Grove also has the most expensive homes. It recorded 14 burglaries, four car thefts and one assault in the year to February.

The second-safest area was the Town of Cambridge, which includes City Beach, Floreat, Wembley and West Leederville. The crime rate across these suburbs was 15 for every 1000 people.

Peppermint Grove Shire president Rachel Thomas said: "Because we are small, most people tend to know each other and there is a terrific sense of neighbourliness. We also have a very active Neighbourhood Watch and Community Safety Committee with representatives from most streets across the shire."

In the Hills, Serpentine-Jarrahdale has the third-lowest crime rate. Not surprisingly, Perth, which includes the nightspots of Northbridge, has the highest rate.

Officer in charge at the South-East Crime Prevention Unit, Sgt Steve Banks, said treating your street or suburb as a small country town was a good way to improve safety.

"Sometimes (the public) don't get to know their neighbours or who is living in their street, so therefore they don't recognise anything suspicious," he said.

Outside Perth, the safest area is the Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes, about 260km south of Perth. tagBody6











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I think it's hard to judge a place to live purely on crime stats especially if you haven't got a huge housing budget. Like others has said most areas have issues but the worst I have seen in 6 weeks is teens larking about in cars, doing donuts etc on the roads (especially up in the hills) but since we have moved into Lakelands (Meadow Springs is the other new estate next to us) on the outskirts on Mandurah, nothing so far !

Mandurah is lovely with the waterfront and holiday feel, Rockingham seems a bit bigger but then has more sheltered beaches with a seaside feel along the beach area.

All you can do is visit both and see which gives you "that feeling" !

Rents/property prices are generally cheaper the further South you go from the city.

I am based from an office in Balcatta just North of the river and it takes me just over an hour to drive from here leaving at 06:50, the train is about 50 mins but they do get packed from what I see driving next to them on the freeway.

Just arrive with an open mind and you'll find your piece of heaven.

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